The world has lost its mind! The clash between Mikey Rhodes and Mastema has unintended consequences, leading to dark days ahead...
This was one of the most insane issues of Birthright because this is as bad as it gets without dealing with King Lore. If he is supposed to be the ultimate villain, this is a terrifying development when his own daughter can give our heroes this much of a run for their money. Will words win the day? Some other unexpected force out there? Or does Mikey still hold some card we haven't seen yet? Questions like this will keep us coming back for more! Read Full Review
Though it has its faults with some weaker character development with the vast supporting cast, Birthright might be stronger now than it has ever been. Read Full Review
So, where does that leave us? I enjoyed this book and particularly enjoyed the themes I picked up on in the story. The artwork didn't wow me but it did it's job well, allowing me to enjoy the story and giving me professional visuals to drive the story forward in my mind. You can't ask for much more than that. This is a good book and it has endeared the series to me. I did some research and found out that the series is planned to wrap up in issue #50 so I recommend this book to all of you in either single issue floppy or the inevitable trade to come. Read Full Review
Whoa, this issue is crazy and Mastema's backstory is really interesting.
Really good issue. Was getting kind of bored with this run, but my interest is back after this issue.