"Spy Story." A who-can-you-trust thriller, both shaken and stirred!
A must-read for horror and comic book fans alike. Read Full Review
After last issue, and the rare ICM Happy Ending, we're firmly back in the realm of magical realism, and we get the first real attempt to explain just what The Ice Cream Man is. Read Full Review
This issue isnt the usual mind-blowing story that it usually is, nor does it evoke deep emotions like many of Prince's stories. However, it is still a fun read and we do get a little bit more into the Ice Cream Man lore. At least what he self identifies as (which if he is telling the truth adds some flavours to all the stories that came before).
The story itself is a spy story that really goes sideways. Gets real zany, spooky and you can see why the main character did what they did in the end. I would do.
Good story but not as epic as it usually is. The fact the rating is so low from readers is less to do with this being a bad story and more that I feel most readers of ICM expect epic or deeply moving tales. Most wri more
Not as good as usual.
Definitely not as impactful and other issues in the series, but still a fun little read.