"HOME IS WHERE THE HATRED IS," Part Four-The critically acclaimed, smash-hit horror series continues! From RODNEY BARNES, the writer behind such hit shows as Marvel's Runaways and STARZ's American Gods, and JASON SHAWN ALEXANDER, the artist who redefined SPAWN.
The battle between Abigail and the Sangsters is an all-out war as both sides fight for survival! Meanwhile, Jimmy descends further into the darkness of his newfound vampire ways, leaving precious little of his humanity behind. Will SeeSaw be able to save him in time, or will Jimmy forever remain a creature of the night?!
Also includes the next chapter of E more
Killadelphia #16 keeps us on our toes, taking an already complicated web of characters and twisting the power dynamic yet again in a way that makes me impatient for the next issue already. It is an incredibly complicated juggling act done impressively well. Read Full Review
While this is a complex issue, it's also fantastic and truly one of the better ones this entire series. Read Full Review