The fate of Charles and his men is uncertain as they are held prisoners by the Samurai Army, but a chance glance at a tapestry may unlock the door to understanding.
What Fede Mele and Ulises Arreola do with the artwork in this book is a sight to see. In issue three we have less action and more character interaction. This allows for them to focus more on set pieces and setting the scenes for what's to come. Fede masters his depth of field here with some really great panels of close ups and wide shots, giving us a true feeling of the scale of things. Arreola keeps things cool, dark, and grounded throughout most of the issue. This lulls us into a sense of peace yet uncertainty until the biggest piece on the chess board is activated. When violence and mayhem ensue, everything brightens up with red and orange and a sort of terrifying luminance. Read Full Review
Fede Mele delivers amazing art throughout the issue. There is a wonderful mixture of visual tension and beauty throughout the entire issue. Read Full Review
Knights vs. Samurai #3 shows another side to its titular conflict, as it continues to expand upon its world of wizards and warriors. Read Full Review
While a slower paced issue compared to last month, the series ends on another strong note that might need to prompt a switch on the name of the title. Read Full Review