The group continues to find conflict in their next actions after last issue's shattering revelations...but their time may be limited, as the human encampment has managed to regroup for an offensive survivalist maneuver.
Nguyen delivers masterfully detailed and emotionally stunning art throughout the issue. Lucas' story is filled with action, danger and tragedy and I loved soaking in the visual beauty of the issue. Read Full Review
Little Monsters as a wholeand as its name suggestshas constantly grappled with the juxtaposition of children being thrown into unimaginable situations of having a longer life than anyone else while still being frozen in a childlike state, but Little Monsters #11 capitalizes on that theme perhaps most of all. Read Full Review
I love the tension and the atmosphere combined with a cast of well rounded characters. This is one of the best comics on the shelves.
A pretty decent issue. Just feels like more of the same.