LUDOCRATS ends as it began, with the release of a 32-page comic pamphlet. We leave you with fond memories and longing. Forevermore, LUDOCRATS will be the comic whose name you accidentally moan when having sex with other lesser comics.
Ludocrats ends its life as a monthly comic, but will be immortalized in my heart and on my shelf soon enough. I'm not sure I'm it's biggest fan, but I am 6'4" and 215 pounds, so I might be competitive! Read Full Review
The concluding issue to this bonkers book goes out in the same madcap style it launched. Gillen and the gang are clearly having fun at Otto Von Subertan expense, as well as the readers expectations too. The good Baron faces his accusers and faces boredom and mundanity face-to-face. Will he and the other Luodcrats survive this brush with mediocracy? Read Full Review
The story wraps everything up in a silly-yet-satisfying way and takes a few more creative liberties before concluding this charming series. Read Full Review
Ludocrats #5 is the chaos fueled conclusion to the series, with lots of fun moments, twists, and surprises along the way. Throw in the varied artwork in this issue, and it becomes something truly memorable. Read Full Review
Well … this is the end of the mini-series. We made it. Well … all right then. Read Full Review
It's an enjoyable issue, but nothing that provides readers with an authentically gonzo reading experience. Instead, those final pages read more like one throwing up their hands and declaring enough. Read Full Review