Dreams and reality converge to manifest the desires of one, desires that will be inflicted upon us all. Is it possible to shape a world that works for everyone?
It's a remarkably well paste issue. Everything seems so perfectly balanced on so many different levels. It's all very well designed. There's so much going on that feels so very well constructed. It's actually not a bad issue to start this series. In fact, this might've been a better place for the series to start then whereRemender and company began it in issue #1. it's also beautifully constructed. Strange that it would end up being the seventh issue before it really felt like the series was totally coming together in a coherent fashion. Read Full Review
As a bottle episode, Napalm Lullaby #7 is quite enjoyable. Napalm Lullabydelivers an intriguing, dream-like detour with compelling visuals and philosophical undertones, but its slower pace and lack of significant plot progression may leave readers yearning for more momentum, especially after the long wait. Read Full Review
Good issue. All the subtle hints to actually what is going on is making my head spin, but in a good way.