Sex #1
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Sex #1

Writer: Joe Casey Artist: Piotr Kowalski Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 6, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
4.2User Rating

FIRST ISSUE - COLLECTOR'S ITEM! Finally, a good reason for you come in the comicbook store -- to buy SEX! Simon Cooke has retired from his own "alternative lifestyle" and returned to the city he'd previously sworn to protect. Now he's just another average citizen -- or is he? The term "adult" has never been so appropriate as it is when it applies to SEX.

  • 9.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Mar 6, 2013

    Sex pulls off a great feat by embracing familiar elements from past famous works while feeling wholly unique. It could have been titled anything, but I suppose it's Casey's way of reminding the reader that even though he's built this incredible new world, it's really all about one thing at the end of the day. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Hansel Moreno Mar 5, 2013

    The problem I find with this book is the name. Yeah, "sex" sells, but calling a book "Sex" may get people's attention, but I really don't think it will help with the sales beyond the first issue. This book has strong writing and great art. Calling the book "Sex" gets the initial attention, but if there are people who refuse to buy it because of the name or the fear of what could be inside, like those still recovering from "Black Kiss II", the true enjoyment of this book will be ignored. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Mar 9, 2013

    Cooke's despair is a tangible entity, and while half of the readers may pick this up for some beautifully rendered skin, the rest of us will stay for Casey's world-building. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Mar 10, 2013

    The first issue left me a bit frustrated as I wanted to read more, but that just wasn't the case. It's good the comic had me this way, I want to read the second issue, like now. This is one of those series that plays mystery well and could be one of the best adult series of 2013, so far it's one of the more interesting psychological studies of the super hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Roderick Ruth Mar 7, 2013

    On the whole, Sex sells. It creates enough interest and intrigue in this introductory issue that go further than just having a provocative title on the cover. Where we go from this issue has yet to be determined, but for now I recommend you enjoy Sex. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Mar 6, 2013

    There's a subversive nature to all superheroes that isn't ever discussed, mainly because the big two don't want or should not even be thinking of such things. This series, and Image Comics proper, should be proud to publish something potentially as complex as this story seems to suggest it will be telling. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Mar 7, 2013

    For those looking for dazzling art and an interesting psychological drama, then definitely pick up “Sex #1.” Readers will have to wait and see if the “Sex” series is something more than a catchy title. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Mar 12, 2013

    Alright, so there's ONE graphic sex scene in the comic. Big deal. The rest of the comic waits nearly half the book before somebody even drops a swear word. Apple, in their infinite "wisdom" have used this sex scene as an excuse to block Sex from being sold on their version of the comiXology app, but for some reason, it's still okay to buy it on their (vastly inferior) iBooks app. Incredibly weak, and fairly lame grounds for controversy, but that's life, I guess. In the meantime, you should enjoy Sex any way you can, regardless of format. Don't discriminate. It's fun. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Nat Webb Mar 8, 2013

    Ultimately, Casey is lucky to have such a talented art team right out of the gate. "Sex" #1 has a lot of promise, but spends so much time introducing its characters, themes and situations, that readers are left wondering if anything much is going to happen besides Simon moping and feeling awkward. But Kowalski and Simpson hint at untold depths with their deliberate bold choices; their work alone is worth the price of admission, and enough to make it worth sticking around to see if things really get going in #2. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Andrew Sadowski Mar 8, 2013

    Sex is certainly a book I want to find out more about, but to those who aren't familiar of Joe Casey might not be too enthralled with the issue. Here's hoping things pick up a bit next month with #2. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Mar 6, 2013

    “Sex” really straddles that line between a buy and a browse. There's a lot of provocative stuff going on and there are hints in there that this book very well could transcend its shock value. Getting past the shock value is going to be a tough hill to climb though, if the narrative falls into being as dry as much of this book was. If you really dig erotica, this isn't really that. There's a lot more plot going on. But the erotic is clearly going to be a major player in this title, so that plot needs to up pace if it's going to catch up to the sex. After all, no one wants to watch the parts where the guy is delivering the pizza or explaining how he's going to fix the cable. Still, with art this good and a willingness to push buttons (even for an Image book), there's reason to at least keep “Sex” on the radar. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Ed Allen Mar 6, 2013

    While I suspect that this particular issue would work a lot better as the first chapter of a collected trade paperback, hardcover or graphic novel, I still think that it's definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of adult-oriented sci-fi or superhero comics. As an a collaborative piece of art Sex stands out from the crowd, with its heavily stylized combination of lettering, color and design elements it feels like one of the most individual comics on the shelves right now and anyone who's looking for something with a little more novelty than the average super-story should also find Sex appealing. I'm very curious to see where the story goes from here and I will definitely be back for more; hopefully the plot can gather some pace before I become too impatient with it to continue. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Mar 11, 2013

    In all fairness, it is likely writer Joe Casey will expand upon Cooke's backstory in future issues thereby helping to readers uncover what sort of possible relationship there is between his protagonist's desire to be a superhero and sexual fulfillment he finds in this lifestyle. If that is the case, this issue may simply represent the growing pains of figuring how to tell this sort of story. And for this comic to move past being labeled pornographic, it needs to do so and do so quickly. Unfortunately, there is simply is little depth to this first issue to draw readers back in for a second issue"unless it is the promise of a comic that will provide readers with a dose of explicit content in their funny books. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Hatmasta Mar 8, 2013

    I feel like Joe Casey continually tries to make comics as graphic as possible just to shock readers. Every time I read a comic by him, I can't help but get the feeling that he's thinking, "What dirty subject can I write about to shock and awe readers into thinking that this is good?"

    "Butcher Baker" was the most extreme example of that, "Office Downe" is another...unfortunately "Sex" continues on in that direction. So much so that the sex scene at the end of "Sex" actually detracts from an otherwise solid, intriguing story with great art.

    I'm all about graphic violence and nudity....if done right. But Joe Casey throws it in your face. It's too much, and it's distracting. The lesbian show at the end was gratuitous. We d more

  • 2.5
    GreyMouser Mar 15, 2013

    This pamphlet is garbage, and i can only hope its an intentional set-up by Casey. i like his work in general and was surprised by how boring this is. A waste of time and money that could just be a scam on the comic buying public. Frankly, that's my hope here. Between the name and the "collector's Item" on the cover, i hope Casey is trying to make a point about blind consumerism and the speculator market. If this is a serious effort, then it fell flat on its face. Although i would give the artist points for tickling my Chaykin-bone... no not that bone, dirty bastich! Get back to working on the G0dland finale Joe!

  • 5.0
    KnM Apr 10, 2021

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