"THE END OF THE SIDEWALK." The end of the end of the series about endings.
Here, the team behind ICE CREAM MAN creates something only they could-a dark, morose take on a beloved book of children's poems. It's an ICE CREAM MAN CROSSOVER; a parodic play with near-perfect rhyme scheme; the terminal issue of a bunch of...terminal issues.
The end is here; we hope you enjoy our swan song.
As an entry in Swan Songs, issue #6 seems out of place but as part of Prince and Morazzo's collected work, referenced in multiple poems, it fits perfectly and finds a final page that manages to draw Swan Songs, Ice Cream Man, and Silverstein's legacy together splendidly. Read Full Review
W. Maxwell Prince and Martin Morazzo really delivered with this one.
I normally prefer a little more illustration with my comics, but it was so well don3 and impactful. Great way to end the series. This issue was heavy.
The fact I am the first one reviewing this book feels insane. There should be a lot of people commenting on this issue. Lots of people should be buying this issue. This was a unique if not intense read. Honestly I couldn't read one page of the book cause I was so close to crying already I knew what was coming but it was just brutal. Reading about a family being torn to pieces and suffering in whimsical poem format under the cruel Ice Cream Man overlord is very Prince and it was done well but seriously? That was painful.
This issue was made so much more emotionally impactful for anyone who has read where the side walk ends which this book is an homage to. The contrast of both of them is intense. I honestly have a hard time descri more