In this new installment of THE SHROUDED COLLEGE, CHARLES SOULE and WILL SLINEY's supernatural horror-adventure saga, three down-and-out astronauts are tasked with the ultimate heist-breaking a group of deadly vampires out of a space prison orbiting the Sun. Apollo 13 meets Blade in this killer thriller!
The Shrouded College sets up a prison break for prisoners too dangerous to leave alive, but too valuable to kill. Read Full Review
A solid introduction for this brand new series. The Bloody Dozen has all the hallmarks of what could be a blockbuster series in 2024. Issue #1 leaves you with the feeling that something is about to go horribly wrong for these characters, but you just don't know what it is yet… Read Full Review
The Bloody Dozen #1 continues the tales of the Shrouded College with a slow-burn approach to its high-concept tale. If nothing else, give it a try or check out Hell to Pay. Good horror isn't just limited to the movies or TV; you can find it in the pages of comics like these. Read Full Review
'The Bloody Dozen' shows much promise as Soule and Company put a new twist on the heist story encompassing the supernatural, science-fiction, and fantasy. Read Full Review
The Bloody Dozen #1 introduces a supernatural twist to the space heist genre, with a slow-burn approach. Charles Soule's writing is superb. The phenomenal artwork by Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque makes up for the slower pacing. We are excited to see where this series goes as we were big fans of Hell to Pay. Read Full Review
The Bloody Dozen is a decent read but which sadly doesn't really pique interest until the final moment, perhaps it can build on it for a strong story the rest of the way though. Read Full Review