High stakes as the imagined reality of the Mad Oppenheimers finally collides with the Manhattan Projects proper.
The Manhattan Projects continues to remain one of my favorite books on the shelf. This issue delivers thought-provoking dialogue, twisted new worlds, rich character development, and the consistently amazing artwork of Nick Pitarra. Get your hands on this book. Science has never been so insane or so awesome. Read Full Review
The Manhattan Projects continues to be a creative and engaging read. And I'm not embarrassed to say I continue to love the book even if I don't always know what the hell is going on. Read Full Review
This wasn't the best issue of the arch but it did a great job in setting up the reader for volume five. There's no telling where Hickman and Pitarra will send this group of mad scientists next, we'll just be prepared to be awed and entertained. Read Full Review
Humor has always been the defining element that distinguishes The Manhattan Projects from the rest of Jonathan Hickman's heady, sci-fi-driven independent work. And humor is something that is very much in play with this issue. Read Full Review
I am so happy to see The Manhattan Projects back on track again, with this and last issue leading the charge into what is shaping up to be a very interesting arc indeed. Read Full Review