The Pervert #1
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The Pervert #1

Writer: Michelle Perez Artist: Remy Boydell Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 25, 2018 Cover Price: $17.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 5
8.6Critic Rating
3.3User Rating

A surprisingly honest and touching account of a trans girl surviving through sex work in Seattle. With excerpts published in the Eisner-nominated anthology ISLAND, the full-color volume, drawn and painted by REMY BOYDELL, is an unflinching debut graphic novel. Written by MICHELLE PEREZ.

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Apr 20, 2018

    The book tackles some mature stuff, and deserves to be enjoyed by a readership that can go with the ebb and flow of the lead characters journey, some of which is funny, sad, touching and, at times, a little heart-breaking. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Eric Cline Apr 24, 2018

    'The Pervert' is great. It tackles hardships sincerely and emotively without ever fetishizing sadness, and its unique art style helps set it apart from the pack. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Hunter T. Patrick Apr 20, 2018

    The writing was strong and the story itself felt too disconnected, but it is one that needs that. This is a story needed for our time. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Impulse Gamer - Chris O'Connor Apr 18, 2018

    I'm not quite sure how to end this review… clearly the comic is not for everyone. There are bound to be people who find it offensive and far too graphic. There will be those who might pick it up out of curiousity. Others might read it for a greater insight and some may even find a resonance with their own life. This is one person in the billions of others on our planet but it is a life shared and for those who like biographical style comics you may well enjoy this… as long as you aren't uncomfortable with topics of a sexual nature. Read Full Review

  • 10
    chungohut Dec 12, 2019

    There’s nothing quite like The Pervert. Challenging, melancholic, and honest to the point of discomfort, Michelle Perez and Remy Boydell combine their talents to create a wholly unique and original experience that sticks with you long after the pages have turned.

    The writing style used in this novel is phenomenal. It perfectly encapsulates the everyday monotony of our protagonist’s lonely, disenfranchised life while managing to retain a lot of heart and soul in her interactions with people. The lens in which Michelle translates commodified sex is not damning or preachy, but just real. This feels like there’s a flesh and blood person behind it, giving the book this thrumming pulse that’s entirely it’s own. The fragmente more

  • 2.0
    Caped-Comic-Reviews Apr 30, 2018

    Could have been good, but the art is shit and the dialogue is seriously lacking. The premise was decent and it could have been a really good look at what being a sex worker is really like but it focused too much on the actual sex and the author having a pity party for themselves throughout....yeah don’t buy this unless you like wasting money

  • 1.5
    wladflores May 2, 2018

    Honestly. I can not fathom how anyone can give a good score at this crap. Having reading it (thankfully i didnt had to pay for it), it is just horrible, from the story to the "art".

    Really, the story is not even interesting or moving. Is just awful. Now, i have no issue with histories about transexual people. I liked Fantastic Woman A LOT (more the direction than the actual
    acting though) but there is no redeemable features in this waste of paper.

    I reached this site wanting to review Silencer and add my honest critic, but seeing the
    "critic" score por this awful comic made me want to tell you: do not support this trash.

    PS: Hold on Snoopy, this offense to your image will never erase more

  • 2.0
    TheImageIsStrong Apr 26, 2018

  • 1.0
    Raspiutin May 6, 2018

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