Caped-Comic-Reviews's Profile

Joined: Mar 08, 2018

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The art was definitely the saving grace of an otherwise quite dull book. I get that this is only the first issue and the writer is trying to get the readers up to speed, but it took too long to finally shift into gear for me. I also disliked the increased use of slang for miles’ dialogue, but could probably get used to as it’s only a minor point. After a disappointing series in 2016, this is n more

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1

By: Saladin Ahmed, Javi Garron
Released: Dec 12, 2018

Balancing his normal life, school, parents, etc...and super-heroing has never been easy, but when the Rhino and a cadre of mysterious criminals start plaguing Brooklyn, things take a dark turn. And Miles doesn't even know the half of it yet. Eisner Award-winner Saladin Ahmed (BLACK BOLT) and Young Gun Javier Garr n (ANT-MAN & THE WASP) bring you th...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed What If?: X-Men #1 Oct 15, 2018

I would love to rate this higher, but the art changes mid way through and it’s a massive quality drop, it looks like something you’d see in a web comic from an inexperienced artist, very disappointing. The story was otherwise very solid, but also very short and didn’t have much of a meaning to it, overall not bad for a one shot. This wasn’t much of a what if kind of story though, just felt more

What If?: X-Men #1

By: Bryan Hill, Neil Edwards
Released: Oct 3, 2018

From the publisher that gave you OLD MAN LOGAN and HOUSE OF M... The X-Men as you never imagined! Welcome to the EXE/scape, a digital wonderland of business and pleasure accessible to anyone with the social (or monetary) capital for the bio-mods needed to log in... Or you can bypass all of that by being born carrying an .EXE/gene! But circumventing...

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Not a massive fan of the art, but the story has been good so far and I would say one of the better mini series to come from marvel in a long time

Cosmic Ghost Rider #4

By: Donny Cates, Dylan Burnett
Released: Oct 3, 2018

The Rider is determined to save the universe by ridding it of the greatest threat that ever existed...and that's why he's kidnapped Thanos to raise him right! How's that gonna work out? He's about to learn.
Rated Parental Advisory

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What a waste of 25 issues. Peter David has clearly lost what it means to write a good comic because this series has been all over the place, with this by far being the worst. Awful art, dumb story and awful ending.
Don’t buy this comic, you’ll regret the minute you open up the book

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #25

By: Peter David, Bruno Olivera
Released: Oct 10, 2018

• Ever since the conclusion of THE CLONE CONSPIRACY, everything in Ben Reilly's life has been leading to this.
•  With young Abigail Mercury's life in his grasp, will Ben find the strength within himself to do the right thing and save her, and his soul?
•  Or will he succumb to his worst instincts and...

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Border Town #2

By: Eric M Esquivel, Ramon Villalobos
Released: Oct 3, 2018

After barely surviving a supernatural showdown at Jack in the Box, the kids regroup over nachos to debate what to do when your town is overrun by monsters of myth. Frank's freaked and wants to go to the cops! Julietta can't because her family's undocumented. Aimi wants to know the secrets of the underworld! And Quinteh might just be hungry. Meanwhi...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Beyonders #2 Oct 3, 2018

This series does involve a lot more reading than some other comics, but it is a very interesting series that plays into the theme of conspiracy theories and what if they were real. It’s definitely worth picking up if you enjoy that kind of thing and it has a corgi in it too

Beyonders #2

By: Paul Jenkins, Wesley St. Claire
Released: Sep 26, 2018

With his one-eyed, genetically enhanced Welsh Corgi in tow, Jake finally confronts the secretive underground resistance known as the Beyonders. And as the global conspiracy to end all conspiracies begins to unfold, Jake finds himself unraveling a mystery thousands of years in the making, with a long-hidden prize waiting to be found.


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I can feel this book building towards its end and this issue felt like it was just stretching the story to 25 issues if I’m honest. I won’t say this was a bad issue, just a bit of a dull one where the whole plot is basically a chase scene with the two scarlet spiders. This is hardly Peter David’s best work, but it’s still better than some of the stuff Marvel has been putting out lately. more

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #24

By: Peter David, Bruno Olivera
Released: Sep 26, 2018

• They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and in BEN REILLY's case, that may be literal!
•  For months, Ben's attempts to cure a young girl's rare illness have proved fruitless - that is, until a mysterious benefactor from the DIOGENES INITIATIVE reaches out to him with the promise of salvation...for a...

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I’m very torn with this comic.
The art work is really really good and I will definitely be picking future work from the artist, but the story is average at best and just screams fill in. Now I know we all know that this is nothing more than a fill in and it seems even the writer feels that and has decided not to give this his full effort but just make it passable. This is a very Average sto more

Detective Comics #989

By: James Robinson, Stephen Segovia
Released: Sep 26, 2018

ighting off Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum and two versions of the pyro-maniac Firefly shouldn't be too difficult for Batman...but the real threat comes from the fact that they're pairs! For some reason, Two-Face doesn't want Batman to discover the truth behind the murder he's investigating...but what's his angle?

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Awful art.
#10 of Marvel 2-in-1 serves as a good finish to the series (even though there’s still 2 more issues left) and would serve as a good lead into Fantastic Four (if it hadn’t already been released and shown that it ignored all character development from this series), but it was also probably the worst issue of the series. 2-in-1 has been a very solid book from Marvel, at least for more

Marvel Two-In-One #10

By: Chip Zdarsky, Ramon K. Perez
Released: Sep 26, 2018

Ben and Johnny's final stand to reclaim the name... FANTASTIC FOUR.
Rated T

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A very missable tie in.
I think if you’re a massive stranger things you’ll pick this up regardless of quality, but for me this wasn’t very impressive.
The writing of the issue was decent enough, but the narration style used doesn’t really fit in with the theme of the stranger things tv show and so it feels out of place. This is also an issue where not a lot of new things really more

Stranger Things #1

By: Jody Houser, Stefano Martino
Released: Sep 26, 2018

The nostalgia igniting hit Netflix original series comes to comic shelves. Follow Will Byers into a dimension of decay and destruction where he must use his wits and resolve to dodge the pursuit of the Demogorgon and escape the Upside Down.

o Written by award winning comics veteran Jody Houser (Faith, Orphan Black, Mother Panic)


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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Ice Man #1 Sep 17, 2018

Why is Ice Man back for another series? Who knows? Does anyone care that it’s back...probably not.
This comic was plain and simple not worth $3.99.
The artist does a really good job, but Sina Grace needs to learn how to write dialogue effectively, the actual plot was decent at least.
If you really enjoyed the first iceman series then this is just more of the same so you’ll prob more

Ice Man #1

By: Sina Grace, Nathan Stockman
Released: Sep 12, 2018

He's back!
Iceman is back! Which is good, because someone is hunting the Morlocks for sport. Now it's up to Bobby Drake to prevent another potential Mutant Massacre. But who's behind this horrific hunt? You won't believe it if we tell you! Guest-starring Bishop!
Rated T+

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Flash #53 Sep 12, 2018

The artwork was very good and probably the best part of the comic.
I’m not enjoying this current storyline all that much and miss the involvement of wally West into the flash series.
This story will all the different forces seems like it could be a long one, but it just seems kind of dumb.

Flash #53

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Aug 22, 2018

It's a slippery slope for the Scarlet Speedster when he must team up with the frosty Commander Cold to stop a powered-up Trickster from trashing Central City. The Trickster's first target is the maximum-security prison Iron Heights, which could mean a criminal breakout the city would never survive.

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Justice League #7 Sep 12, 2018

I liked the conclusion the first storyline, but it wasn’t my favourite issue of the series. This does set up some things for future stories at least. The artwork was very good but not as good as the previous artist.

Justice League #7

By: Scott Snyder, Mark Morales
Released: Sep 5, 2018

It's wall-to-Source-Wall Justice League action as artist Jim Cheung rejoins writer Scott Snyder! Hawkgirl takes wing against Legion of Doom leader Lex Luthor; John Stewart faces off with old foe Sinestro; the Flash must run down the Still Force-empowered Gorilla Grodd; and Wonder Woman tackles the tag team of Black Manta and Cheetah-underwater, no ...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Avengers #6 Sep 12, 2018

I didn’t enjoy the first 2 issues of this series as they were just average and then issues 3-5 were really solid so it’s a bit of letdown that this final showdown felt a bit rushed. The artwork was really good as always

Avengers #6

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: Aug 22, 2018

THE FINAL HOST concludes!
The final battle against the Dark Celestials. A battle unlike any the Avengers have ever experienced. A battle a million years in the making. The new team of heavy hitters assembles at last. But will the young, inexperienced Ghost Rider prove to be the most important and powerful member of all?
Rated T+

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Avengers #7 Sep 12, 2018

Solid origin story that was probably unnecessary and feels more like a filler issue more than anything.
The art is good but not Pichelli’s best work by far.

Avengers #7

By: Jason Aaron, Sara Pichelli
Released: Sep 5, 2018

If you thought you knew the beginnings of the Marvel Universe, you were wrong! Odin and his Prehistoric Avengers represent a period of Marvel history that's never been explored. That exploration begins this issue with the origin of the very first Ghost Rider, one who rides a flaming woolly mammoth and battles...

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I liked the use of the terminals in this comic, it’s interesting how they can change their appearance and makes them a fun villain.
The art style won’t be everyone’s taste but I enjoyed it.
The story seems like it could go somewhere interesting, but I’m ready to move from it and get into something new.

I didn’t enjoy how nightwing was represented at times and he’s more

Nightwing Annual #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schimdt
Released: Aug 29, 2018

The smart city overhaul of Blüdhaven was just the beginning-a single battle in a larger cyberwar that Nightwing is only starting to understand. But now the story of the Dark Web organization begins to expand as Grayson travels to Gotham City and partners up with Vicki Vale. We live in an era of fake news, alternative facts, disinformation. The...

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WhistleBlower reviewed Nightwing Annual #1 Aug 29, 2018

Too much camp and hamfisted dialogue.

Nightwing Annual #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schimdt
Released: Aug 29, 2018

The smart city overhaul of Blüdhaven was just the beginning-a single battle in a larger cyberwar that Nightwing is only starting to understand. But now the story of the Dark Web organization begins to expand as Grayson travels to Gotham City and partners up with Vicki Vale. We live in an era of fake news, alternative facts, disinformation. The...

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The writing is so bizarrely innocent and ignorant of technology that I legitimately think it reaches the ridiculousness of a B-movie and is a fun read, despite it feeling like being funny was not its intention.

Nightwing Annual #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schimdt
Released: Aug 29, 2018

The smart city overhaul of Blüdhaven was just the beginning-a single battle in a larger cyberwar that Nightwing is only starting to understand. But now the story of the Dark Web organization begins to expand as Grayson travels to Gotham City and partners up with Vicki Vale. We live in an era of fake news, alternative facts, disinformation. The...

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SomeDummy reviewed Nightwing Annual #1 Aug 30, 2018

Good god, why do they insist on giving Nightwing such crappy shallow writers? Hes not a "gym rat" plase stop.

I know some people dig Otto, but everyone looks like an eastern European doll/tool designed to sit on an end table and deshell nuts, and I dont dig it.

I read rumors they are going to drop Dick off a friggen cliff or something, major brain storm there Mr King, but its more

Nightwing Annual #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schimdt
Released: Aug 29, 2018

The smart city overhaul of Blüdhaven was just the beginning-a single battle in a larger cyberwar that Nightwing is only starting to understand. But now the story of the Dark Web organization begins to expand as Grayson travels to Gotham City and partners up with Vicki Vale. We live in an era of fake news, alternative facts, disinformation. The...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Nightwing #48 Sep 12, 2018

This was okay and the art was solid. Really this story doesn’t feel 100% necessary but it does fit into the plot. I was disappointed that the silencer didn’t feature more in this issue considering it’s only a 2 part crossover. This current storyline has gone on too long and sacrifices certain parts of nightwings character to make work

Nightwing #48

By: Ben Percy, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Sep 5, 2018

Guest-starring the Silencer! Dick Grayson is forced to participate in the world's greatest motorcycle  race, a three-day affair hosted on a remote island and populated by the greatest riders on the planet. Nightwing reluctantly complies, but only to save the life of an old friend. That brings him into competition with the Silencer, who's ...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed DIE!DIE!DIE! #2 Sep 12, 2018

The art was again very solid, but nothing special and the story was pretty boring. This comic didn’t really have anything to excite or interest me and will probably be the last issue of this series I pick up.


By: Robert Kirkman, Chris Burnham
Released: Aug 22, 2018

Last month Robert Kirkman suddenly released a BRAND NEW SERIES. Well, the SURPRISES continue in August, as our secret cabal within the US government sends their elite assassins on a new mission. Last issue we cut off some guy's nose. What happens in this one?

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed DIE!DIE!DIE! #1 Sep 12, 2018

Pretty average story, art was pretty solid, but not something that would make me buy the comic just by itself. Worth continuing the story to see where it goes, but not a must have


By: Scott M. Gimple, Chris Burnham
Released: Jul 11, 2018

SUPRISE RELEASE! Robert Kirkman’s latest release from Image Comics, Die!Die!Die!. Blood will flow, Bullets will fly and the mayhem will never end, Die!Die!Die! brings all the action you could ever want

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Caped-Comic-Reviews rated X-Men: Red #4 Jul 30, 2018

X-Men: Red #4

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: May 16, 2018

• JEAN GREY and her team of X-Men are trying to save the world...but one mutant could spoil that for everyone.
•  When an old friend of Jean's is corrupted and turned against her, will Jean have to do the unthinkable?
Rated T+

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed X-Men: Red #3 Jul 30, 2018

Nice cover art, boring story

X-Men: Red #3

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Apr 11, 2018

  The Hate Machine Part 3
•  The battle rages in India, and the newest X-Men member may be the key to the team's survival.
•  GAMBIT is caught up the intensifying global frenzy of mutant hate.
•  Plus: Could one of JEAN GREY's oldest friends turn foe?
Rated T+

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Long Lost #1 Jul 24, 2018

Maybe I’m alone here, but I took a shot at this after seeing the cover and I was disappointed. The art style inside may not be for most people, I personally thought it was okay and need some work and could use some more depth but was still acceptable especially for an indie comic. The main issue seems to be writing, not a lot happened here and for a $3.99 that’s a problem. It was all build up more

Long Lost #1

By: Matthew Erman, Lisa Sterle
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Stranger Things meets Ghost World in Long Lost, the haunting story of two estranged sisters who find themselves drawn back to their small southern hometown to unlock the disturbing mysteries that are hidden there, with all roads leading back to their enigmatic, secretive mother. Join Scout Comics as they proudly debut this comp...

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matthewerman - Jul 29, 2018

Heya! That's all super fair but I'd love to share with you the next issue for free if you hit me up on twitter. @matthewerman

Caped-Comic-Reviews added The Dead Hand to their pull list May 15, 2018

The Dead Hand

"COLD WAR RELICS," Part One: Carter Carlson was a highly decorated operative during the Cold War. But in the fall of 1991, as the Soviet Union collapsed, Carter discovered a secret that not only changed his life... but also altered the course of history. Now, as the mysterious "Dead Hand" threatens to end the world once again, the only thing standi...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews added Justice League: No Justice to their pull list May 12, 2018

Justice League: No Justice

DARK NIGHTS: METAL left the DCU transformed in ways both terrifying and wondrous-and only the Justice League is strong enough to face the threats to come...or are they? Four giant beings comprised of the universe's major energies-Mystery, Wonder, Wisdom and Entropy-who sustain their life force by devouring planets are on their way to destroy the pl...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews added Venom (2018) to their pull list May 12, 2018

Venom (2018)

In the wake of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s collapse, an ancient and primordial evil has been awakened beneath the streets of New York, and with it, something equally evil has awakened in that most Wicked of Webslingers - VENOM! Still a Lethal Protector of the innocents in New York, this never-before-seen threat co...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Batman #46 May 6, 2018

This kinda sucked. Art was awesome but the script by Tom King was dreadful. The only reason I hadn’t scored this lower is because it’s a essentially a what if storyline and everything will be back to the normal by #48, but I’m not even sure this will last in my pull that long. Also Tom King absolutely cannot write Booster Gold, seriously if you’re looking for a good recent booster gold sto more

Batman #46

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: May 2, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part two! Booster Gold's wedding present has screwed up Batman's past, and done even more damage to his present. Now, with the Caped Crusader himself refusing to cooperate, the only way for Booster to correct this runaway timeline is to get Catwoman on his side. But with her own past altered, can he make Catwoman recognize the quali...

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Caped-Comic-Reviews reviewed Thanos Annual #1 May 5, 2018

It was a typical Marvel Annual really with a bunch of inconsequential stories, most of which were boring if I’m brutally honest. I only bought this comic because I enjoyed Donny Cates’ run on Thanos, but this just served as a disappointment, especially since Cates only wrote one short story within the book. As for the art it was mixed,some of the art was really good (Geoff Shaw) some of it rea more

Thanos Annual #1

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Apr 25, 2018

Thanos is likely the most evil being in the universe...and if anyone would know, it's the all-new Cosmic Ghost Rider. Let the spirit of vengeance be your guide on a tour through the worst of the worst, as he reveals the most heinous deeds ever perpetrated by the Mad Titan...or by anyone else!
Parental Adviso...

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