Caped-Comic-Reviews's Profile

Joined: Mar 08, 2018

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Action Comics (2016) #999

Mar 17, 2018

Very clearly just a stopgap before the 1000 milestone and overall was kind of boring, but not without its good moments. The art was very good in this issue, but the story only mediocre

All-New Wolverine #1

Mar 12, 2018

All-New Wolverine #2

Mar 12, 2018

All-New Wolverine #3

Mar 12, 2018

All-New Wolverine #4

Mar 12, 2018

Dialogue felt off and the characters dont feel as developed as they should to me

All-New Wolverine #5

Mar 12, 2018

Very average all over really, nothing to rave about but serviceable

All-New Wolverine #31

Mar 12, 2018

Plain and simple it was a dull little one shot story that was more about honey badger than the title character and deadpool’s inclusion seems very unnecessary. The characters don’t act like they should to me, it seems odd that deadpool would use chloroform to knock someone out rather than a gun or sword and also seems odd that Gabby doesn’t use her claws at all really. The worst part about this book is the art which is just awful, actually the pencils aren’t terrible just average, but the colourist needs to be fired.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #795

Mar 18, 2018

Probably the most pointless comic I’ve read this week, seriously the comic didn’t even need to happen, it seems Slott just really wanted to complete this plot thread from a few years ago rather than leaving it someone who actually knows what they’re doing with this story

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #796

Mar 18, 2018

This isn’t definitely just Slott wrapping up loose ends and filling in some of the gaps in build up to his big farewell, skipable if you’re only picking this book for the story, I’d wait until #797

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #797

Mar 18, 2018

This story kicks off in a really big way and it really feels like Slott did in fact save the best for last, hopefully the sorry keeps going the way it is because that would make for a great farewell from Slott. If you’re not already go buy this book because it’s going to be a big one

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #798

Apr 11, 2018

Great debut for the Red Goblin and possibly the best start to a story I’ve ever seen from Slott

Avengers (2018) #6

Sep 12, 2018

I didn’t enjoy the first 2 issues of this series as they were just average and then issues 3-5 were really solid so it’s a bit of letdown that this final showdown felt a bit rushed. The artwork was really good as always

Avengers (2018) #7

Sep 12, 2018

Solid origin story that was probably unnecessary and feels more like a filler issue more than anything. The art is good but not Pichelli’s best work by far.

Batman (2016) #38

Mar 8, 2018

Bit of an odd one and weird placement as 39 is a continuation of the previous storyline (in name only tbh, otherwise it’s a new story), but still seems odd to place this issue in-between, overall a good story, really love Tom Kings one-shots on this book, they just tend to be easiet to read and don’t get bogged down with all the other storyline drama going on at the time, the art could have been better for me personally but it was still good

Batman (2016) #39

Mar 8, 2018

Good start to this story (which is apparently a continuation of the super friends arc, obviously in name only as it’s a whole new story really), but I feel like this particular issue gets undeserved hate; it was actually pretty good and an interesting concept to me personally, plus Tom King manages to a inject some humour into a Batman book and not just have him be broody all the time which is nice, overall a solid installment for Tom Kings run (although the last page kind of ruins it 😢) Still gets an 8 though as the rest of the story was really fun

Batman (2016) #40

Mar 8, 2018

It was okay - didn’t like the whole Batman and Wonder Woman kiss tease, it just felt out of character for them both if I’m honest, but great artwork as there always is in Batman and the main idea of the story was excuted quite well if you ignore the whole Near kiss situation and just focus on the basic concept, but compared to this previous issues this just feels like it fell a bit of a let down in the end.

Batman (2016) #44

Apr 11, 2018

First off, I loved the matching covers but otherwise the book was a disaster. The catowman story was okay but not exactly worth half an issue, but the other scenes of their past mixed in just felt out of place and made for a nothing story essentially. Jolelle Jones’ artwork was on point as always, but Janin was heavily reliant on 3-D models which just made the poses look awful, he can and has done much better work

Batman (2016) #46

May 6, 2018

This kinda sucked. Art was awesome but the script by Tom King was dreadful. The only reason I hadn’t scored this lower is because it’s a essentially a what if storyline and everything will be back to the normal by #48, but I’m not even sure this will last in my pull that long. Also Tom King absolutely cannot write Booster Gold, seriously if you’re looking for a good recent booster gold story go check the action Comics story and avoid this pile of crap

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #14

Mar 8, 2018

Completely skipable and did nothing to make me want to continue reading the book, which is disappointing and the previous 13 issues have been pretty solid and entertaining stories for me personally (even if the artist used way too many 3D models). With this series low sales I’m guessing the last issues will be the damnation tie-ins and maybe one additional issue to wrap it all up, but really we need to get to the conclusion of the main overarching story involving the sick girl so we can move on to something new.

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #15

Apr 11, 2018

I know this is a tie I’m story but it’s just kind of boring...this book has certainly gone downhill from its earlier issues and judging by its sales it won’t be surviving much longer, especially with the fresh start, but it’s proably a good thing tbh

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #16

Apr 11, 2018

Cover had me really excited for some great action in the book with both scarlet spiders and boy was I disappointed, this book has certainly been nothing but a let down lately, if I wasn’t so sure it would be ending in the near future I’d be dropping it

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #24

Oct 3, 2018

I can feel this book building towards its end and this issue felt like it was just stretching the story to 25 issues if I’m honest. I won’t say this was a bad issue, just a bit of a dull one where the whole plot is basically a chase scene with the two scarlet spiders. This is hardly Peter David’s best work, but it’s still better than some of the stuff Marvel has been putting out lately. The art work however looks very rushed, which knowing Marvel it could very well be the case and the artist was probably underpaid too which definitely doesn’t inspire great work. Overall not really worth your $4, but as it’s so close to the end I imagine everyone getting this book now is just sticking with it to complete the collection.

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #25

Oct 15, 2018

Boringgg What a waste of 25 issues. Peter David has clearly lost what it means to write a good comic because this series has been all over the place, with this by far being the worst. Awful art, dumb story and awful ending. Don’t buy this comic, you’ll regret the minute you open up the book

Beyonders #2

Oct 3, 2018

This series does involve a lot more reading than some other comics, but it is a very interesting series that plays into the theme of conspiracy theories and what if they were real. It’s definitely worth picking up if you enjoy that kind of thing and it has a corgi in it too

Bloodshot: Salvation #7

Mar 18, 2018

Good story, just absolutely not worth the $4 price tag, this would have been fine if the comic was maybe half the price it is but as it stands I can’t give this book any higher of a review than this

Border Town #2  
Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #4

Oct 15, 2018

Not a massive fan of the art, but the story has been good so far and I would say one of the better mini series to come from marvel in a long time

Detective Comics (2016) #976

Mar 17, 2018

this final story arc with the current writer is kicking off in quite average manner,but still a good story in here regardless, the art however is pretty trash in my option, definitely brings the quality of the whole book down

Detective Comics (2016) #977

Apr 11, 2018

An enjoyable continuation of this story that will hopefully pick up in the next issue as we come to a close on Tynion’s run on this book, which has ranged from avenge to’s hoping he brings the awesome for the next few issues

Detective Comics (2016) #989

Oct 3, 2018

I’m very torn with this comic. The art work is really really good and I will definitely be picking future work from the artist, but the story is average at best and just screams fill in. Now I know we all know that this is nothing more than a fill in and it seems even the writer feels that and has decided not to give this his full effort but just make it passable. This is a very Average story with above average art.


Sep 12, 2018

Pretty average story, art was pretty solid, but not something that would make me buy the comic just by itself. Worth continuing the story to see where it goes, but not a must have


Sep 12, 2018

The art was again very solid, but nothing special and the story was pretty boring. This comic didn’t really have anything to excite or interest me and will probably be the last issue of this series I pick up.

Eternity Girl #1

Mar 17, 2018

Average story, but a good enough start I guess, the art however sucks. Think I’ll gjve this series a miss and maybe pick up cheap in comiXology if I even remember it exists in like 6 months that is

Flash (2016) #43

Apr 11, 2018

Seems the critics and fans actually agree on a rating for once which is odd to see haha. But I fully agree that this book is deserving of an 8/10 as it had good action, good art and continued an interesting story which continues to build hype to flash wars

Flash (2016) #53

Sep 12, 2018

The artwork was very good and probably the best part of the comic. I’m not enjoying this current storyline all that much and miss the involvement of wally West into the flash series. This story will all the different forces seems like it could be a long one, but it just seems kind of dumb.

Gideon Falls #1

Mar 18, 2018

This was fun and I loved the artwork, but I feel like I wanted a bit more information from this first issue because at the moment I feel very out of the loop and the only real noteworthy moments of this comic for me were the last few pages. It’s still interesting enough to continue picking it up and has a great writer in Jeff Lemire.

Harley Quinn (2016) #36

Mar 12, 2018

The comic was just okay, I feel it would be a let down for Harley fans as she is kind of boring in this issue, but not the worst character by far. Red tool is fun and should definitely have his own mini series down the line. The gang of Harley’s are basically interchangeable, they have no qualities that make them stand out from one another and really have no place in this comic. The art was decent, The style fits in well in a Harley Quinn book. Overall I wouldn’t deem this a recommended buy but it was sort of a fun start to the story.

Ice Man (2018) #1

Sep 17, 2018

Why is Ice Man back for another series? Who knows? Does anyone care that it’s back...probably not. This comic was plain and simple not worth $3.99. The artist does a really good job, but Sina Grace needs to learn how to write dialogue effectively, the actual plot was decent at least. If you really enjoyed the first iceman series then this is just more of the same so you’ll probably like it, if not then stay away because it’s not worth your time or money.

Justice League (2018) #7

Sep 12, 2018

I liked the conclusion the first storyline, but it wasn’t my favourite issue of the series. This does set up some things for future stories at least. The artwork was very good but not as good as the previous artist.

Kill Or Be Killed #16

Mar 8, 2018

This series can do no wrong, this is the book that is always at the top of my reading list whenever it’s out, it’s one of the best titles out there at the moment

Long Lost #1

Jul 24, 2018

Maybe I’m alone here, but I took a shot at this after seeing the cover and I was disappointed. The art style inside may not be for most people, I personally thought it was okay and need some work and could use some more depth but was still acceptable especially for an indie comic. The main issue seems to be writing, not a lot happened here and for a $3.99 that’s a problem. It was all build up to a revelation that honestly could have happened 3 or 4 pages in and it would have been better as the story could move on and not waste time. I can see the start of what could be a solid horror story and I could definitely see this improving as the story goes along, but based on this first issue I wouldn’t give the 2nd issue a go and possibly wouldn’t read any comics from this writer.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #4

Mar 17, 2018

Another Fun issue, definitely a recommended read

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #5

Apr 11, 2018

Really enjoyed #2 and #3 but when it came to #4 it was a bit of a letdown from the previous issues and this issue was definitely an improvement but still not the best of the series

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #10

Oct 3, 2018

Awful art. #10 of Marvel 2-in-1 serves as a good finish to the series (even though there’s still 2 more issues left) and would serve as a good lead into Fantastic Four (if it hadn’t already been released and shown that it ignored all character development from this series), but it was also probably the worst issue of the series. 2-in-1 has been a very solid book from Marvel, at least for the first 6/7 issues, but as soon as Ramon Perez took over art duties the whole book went down in quality. It seems even Zdarskys writing went down in quality with the artwork, which is a shame because this had potential to be a classic, but it didn’t really stand a chance with Marvel rushing out the Fantastic Four relaunch. If you want to pick up this book I’d suggest get the first 6 issues and calling it a day. I personally made the decision to drop this book after this issue as I don’t see the future stories really holding any value or importance t the future of the fantastic four.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #1

Dec 15, 2018

The art was definitely the saving grace of an otherwise quite dull book. I get that this is only the first issue and the writer is trying to get the readers up to speed, but it took too long to finally shift into gear for me. I also disliked the increased use of slang for miles’ dialogue, but could probably get used to as it’s only a minor point. After a disappointing series in 2016, this is not really the fresh start this book needed in #1, but I’m hoping the following issue will hit the ground runnning

Nightwing (2016) #41

Apr 11, 2018

Good end to this story arc and curious to see how the new creative team will handle this book

Nightwing (2016) #42

Apr 11, 2018

I really enjoyed the previous arc with Humphries on the book so I was disappointed to hear he was done with this comic and the fact that we have a fill in team didn’t really inspire me to go pick us this next issue, but any collector knows that once you start it’s difficult to stop. This issue didn’t disappoint me it just met my expectations which were low to begin with. The art was interesting and I’m not sure if I love it or hate at this point.

Nightwing (2016) #48

Sep 12, 2018

This was okay and the art was solid. Really this story doesn’t feel 100% necessary but it does fit into the plot. I was disappointed that the silencer didn’t feature more in this issue considering it’s only a 2 part crossover. This current storyline has gone on too long and sacrifices certain parts of nightwings character to make work

Nightwing (2016) Annual #1

Sep 12, 2018

I liked the use of the terminals in this comic, it’s interesting how they can change their appearance and makes them a fun villain. The art style won’t be everyone’s taste but I enjoyed it. The story seems like it could go somewhere interesting, but I’m ready to move from it and get into something new. I didn’t enjoy how nightwing was represented at times and he’s not a “gym rat”. Some of the dialogue felt really out of place in a nightwing comic. Overall I wouldn’t recommend this one, but it’s not the worst comic you could get, but it is $4.99 which the mediocre story a little more disappointing

Oblivion Song #1

Mar 18, 2018

Really enjoyable start to the story, but I’m not a fan of the art. I’m for sure interested to see where this story goes and whether Kirkman can capture the magic of the walking dead series again in this book

Royal City #10

Mar 8, 2018

Do yourself a favour if you’re not reading this book and go buy it now!! Some of Jeff Lemire’s best work here, I will say this issue could have used an extra page or two to really give some extra emotional weight, but it was still a solid end to this story arc and I’m excited to see what this book brings when it’s back at the end of May

Spider-Man (2016) #236

Mar 12, 2018

This storyline should be wrapped up with this issue, but it will instead carry on for another 3, this honestly has no right to be 6 issues, but it is sadly.

Spider-Man (2016) #237

Mar 12, 2018

If you’ve read a current bendis comic you know exactly what to expect here, lots of dialogue and no action, although it was cool to see Miles’ uncle back and see their conversation, it just felt very dull to me. This is definitely a comic you’d pick up only if you’re a long time fan of miles, otherwise there’s much for you to enjoy. Bendis really half assed this one, we didn’t even get an explanation about why Miles’ uncle was back, when all you needed to do was basically say secret Wars Shenanigans.

Spider-Man (2016) #238

Mar 18, 2018

Bendis definitely pulled this one straight out his ass, if this part had came about 3 issues earlier it would have been a much better fit. Unless you are collecting this comic regularly, just stay away the story is not worth the $4 of admission and the art isn’t great either. Overall a very un-exciting read and not what I had expected when I found out Bendis was going to introduce a new sinister six..

Spider-Man (2016) #239

Apr 11, 2018

Honestly bored of this story now. But this certainly doesn’t feel like it’s gesring up towards the last issue as it gives me no reason to want to even read the conclusion to this comic...I’ll be glad when we get a new writer for Miles who maybe has more passion left for story telling

Stranger Things #1

Oct 3, 2018

A very missable tie in. I think if you’re a massive stranger things you’ll pick this up regardless of quality, but for me this wasn’t very impressive. The writing of the issue was decent enough, but the narration style used doesn’t really fit in with the theme of the stranger things tv show and so it feels out of place. This is also an issue where not a lot of new things really happen and a lot of it you could have just guessed by watching the show. The art is where this book really falls down because it’s nothing like the cover and is in fact quite poor. I can see the artist has tried to get the characters close to how they appear in the show and I can distinguish between the characters, but i don’t think they were the right choice for this book because the faces just look really odd and almost unfinished. Overall, if you’re a fan of stranger things you’ll probably want this, if you’re more of a casual fan I’d skip this or wait for the collected edition because the paper quality of this comics is pretty poor

Superman (2016) #36

Mar 8, 2018

Honestly been very unimpressed as whole with this superman run, it’s had a few high points but overall just very lacklustre. I’m glad this particular run is over soon (not sure about Bendis, but I’ll give it a shot), But to the main point which is this issue in was dull, completely skipable story, except for maybe the last page. It’s quite disappointing because I thought this story might go in a different direction when it began but it just end up another failure by this team, hopefully their last arc will be something worth reading.

Superman (2016) #37

Mar 8, 2018

Really enjoy the concept of this story and it was well excuted, however one issue I have is with the lack of connection to detective comics as this really felt like more of a continuation of the storyline from the a lonely place of living story arc, but I think anyone not reading that book could probably catch up with what happened just from the story as it goes on, so definitely recommend buying this one if you can!

Superman (2016) #38

Mar 8, 2018

This honestly felt like a better conclusion to the story than the actual conclusion in super sons, but I guess they needed to wrap a few small loose ends here and there, definitely interested to see the Saviour return as a character again, I think he could definitely do with a six issue mini, but that’s just me, overall it’s been a solid story and a recommended read in my opinion.

Thanos (2016) #13

Mar 18, 2018

Brilliant comic from start to finish and the cosmic Ghost Rider character is awesome so far, definitely excited to see more of him

Thanos (2016) Annual #1

May 5, 2018

It was a typical Marvel Annual really with a bunch of inconsequential stories, most of which were boring if I’m brutally honest. I only bought this comic because I enjoyed Donny Cates’ run on Thanos, but this just served as a disappointment, especially since Cates only wrote one short story within the book. As for the art it was mixed,some of the art was really good (Geoff Shaw) some of it really sucked. I don’t recommend this book as it’s certainly not worth $4.99 and if you’re looking for a good Thanos story you could definitely one elsewhere with more value for money

The Pervert #1

Apr 30, 2018

Could have been good, but the art is shit and the dialogue is seriously lacking. The premise was decent and it could have been a really good look at what being a sex worker is really like but it focused too much on the actual sex and the author having a pity party for themselves throughout....yeah don’t buy this unless you like wasting money

The Silencer #3

Apr 11, 2018

I’ve enjoyed this book so far. Not my favourite new age of heroes but it was one of the ones worth picking up at $2.99 especially, but obviously not everyone agrees looking at the units shipped for March...ouch. Anyway into the book which was okay, it had plenty of action, but I just don’t like Romita Jr’s art as i couldn’t always grasp exactly what was happening in each panel. The writing was still good so I will continue to pick this up and I’m glad we’re getting a new artist on #4

The Terrifics #1

Apr 11, 2018

The Terrifics #2

Apr 11, 2018

Tinseltown #1

Apr 11, 2018

Glad I gave this book a shot because I really enjoyed it, probably one of my favourite alterna titles to come out so far, it’s certainly my pick for the week of April 4th

Unbelievable Gwenpool #25

Mar 8, 2018

Really loved this series, every issue has been great....except for this one. This feels like such a half assed wrap up to me and doesn’t embody any of the fun and adventure of the previous 24 issues in the series. It felt like the main storyline with the future Gwenpool was completely unnecessary and just took away vauble space from the already exciting and unresolved plot points which had way more weight to them and more intrigue from me personally. Truly a disappointing climax to the series, but still highly recommend reading the 24 issues that come before it

What If? (2018): X-Men #1

Oct 15, 2018

I would love to rate this higher, but the art changes mid way through and it’s a massive quality drop, it looks like something you’d see in a web comic from an inexperienced artist, very disappointing. The story was otherwise very solid, but also very short and didn’t have much of a meaning to it, overall not bad for a one shot. This wasn’t much of a what if kind of story though, just felt like a more futuristic version of the x men (cable and domino at least)

X-Men: Red (2018) #2

Mar 8, 2018

Tom Taylor really can’t write a interesting story, just like all-new wolverine this story just feels dull and does nothing excite me as a reader. Then the art in this comic just drags it down even further, the characters don’t look at all like they should and are just overall unappealing - Jean Grey is meant to be an attractive woman, not some dull red head with a bored face and a personality to match, I’m not actually sure who this book really appeals to if I’m honest, definitely dropped from my pull list (X-Men Gold is better)

X-Men: Red (2018) #3

Jul 30, 2018

Nice cover art, boring story

X-Men: Red (2018) #4

Jul 30, 2018

Reviews for the Week of...


