Rick Grimes, Sheriff of a small town in Kentucky awakes in a hospital. Comatose after being shot while on duty, Rick finds the world abandoned of all things living and is faced with walking undead, who attack him on sight. He returns home to find his family, son Carl and wife Lori, gone. He meets his new neighbor, who points him towards Atlanta. After retrieving supplies from the abandoned Police Station, Rick sets off to Atlanta to search for his family.
All in all, this book has everything I want in a zombie narrative. Sympathetic protagonists, graphic detail in the rotting of the zombies, and a touch of nihilism mixed generously with a bit of hope. The pacing of the story is damn near perfect and I really cant wait until the next issue hits the stands. Read Full Review
I came away from the premiere episode feeling entertained and hopeful about what's to follow (especially given the cliffhanger and preview of the next episode). Still, maybe the most encouraging thing to take away from this TV show is this: that comics can do some things better than other media. I enjoyed this small-screen debut, but it pales in comparison with what Kirkman and company accomplish in two dimensions with nothing more than ink and imagination. Read Full Review
This is the book that got me into comics.
Perfect start to a perfect story. Great art.
At first I was worried that there was going to be no dialogue in this comic at all. The silent lone silent character does work for the first half in order to establish the work he lives in. Rick Grimes is a well crafted character so far who will certainly make a great hero in the coming issues.
23.04.21 — 8,0
Very cool series. Just wish it had more gore though.
Good art . Good writing.
It was ok. Trying to understand why it was so loved.