"NEW WORLD ORDER," Conclusion-Rick Grimes comes face to face with the Governor of the Commonwealth.
A solid issue but left too much meat on the bone. I'm hoping things pick up in the next arc. Read Full Review
The Walking Dead #180 caps off the series' latest storyline on a disappointingly quiet note. Read Full Review
Political maneuvering and lots of interesting discussion, but it feels like a partial chapter rather than a full issue worth of story. Read Full Review
I really liked this arc of "The Walking Dead," and this issue in particular. I have found the strategic exploration on behalf of Rick's people and the Commonwealth interesting, and this issue does a great job in cementing the conflict that will guide this book in the future. I love the clash of ideas--Rick's New World Order vs. The Commonwealth's Old World Laws. And to see Michonne falling on one side of this equation and Rick on the other is an interesting move. I still find the Rick-centred issues the best, and this is another great exploration of the character and his beliefs. And the cover is fantastic!