End of Story Arc. New York Police Detective Sara Pezzini has dedicated her life to solving the mystery behind her father's murder. Along the way, she was endowed with the supernatural weapon known as the Witchblade, an ancient weapon wielded by one woman in a generation. The Witchblade's purpose and connection to her father's death remains a mystery. To guide Sara, a mysterious warrior named Ian Nottingham steps in to train her in its ways, but when Sara discovers who Ian has been working for, it sets the stage for an epic confrontation that will shake Sara to her core and set her on a direct path hurtling towards her father's killer amore
Kenneth Irons dictates the fate of nations from his penthouse apartment in the Iron Spire. He counts the days until the Witchblade controls Sara Pezzini, and she joins the woman trapped in his enchanted mirror. But Sara learns about Kenneth in Witchblade #6, and she doesnt intend to become another of his eldritch possessions. Read Full Review
Cafaro delivers beautiful art on every page of this issue. The visuals perfectly capture the growing tension between the characters as well as the awesome action and emotion of the story. Read Full Review
There are major things are good here. And it would be interesting to see them settle down for long enough to establish more of a connection between Sarah and the vet which she now is suffering from. Domestic devices that station interlock is always been something thats been a lot more interesting than a lot of the rest of series. However, no one seems to be able to focus on it well enough to really do it justice. The relationship between the magical artifact and the woman in question. Its so difficult to get that framed in just the right way. But it is still a lot of fun. Read Full Review