Amazing Spider-Man #569

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 27, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 9
6.8Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

In a world where Spider-Man is a villain and Norman Osborn is the ultimate hero, how can Peter Parker continue to fight for what is right? Witness the birth of a new Spider Villain!

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - M. Staples Aug 26, 2008

    Oh yeah, in between throwing out all kinds of mysteries, we only have some more appearances from guest stars The Thunderbolts, including Norman Osborn and Venom. Not to mention the birth of the new symbiote (or is it a symbiote?) Anti-Venom! Yes, those who've read the last issue very likely predicted the identity of this character; nonetheless, this long time cast member will be perfect for the part! Add in some great action and beautiful art by John Romita Jr. and what do you have? An extremely entertaining issue, that's what! New Ways to Die looks to be ranked among one of the great "Spider-Sagas," and we're only a third of the way in! I don't care how much you hated One More Day, nor if you intended to pick this up as a trade, stop waiting and get this now! Spider-Man doesn't get much better than this! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven M. Bari Sep 2, 2008

    Ironically, "New Ways to Die" seems to be about classic characters in their new lives. Slott and Romita Jr. are challenging my conceptions of what Spider-Man is and piquing my interest. Yet will any of these changes live long enough to be fulfilling? We shall see. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 28, 2008

    Maybe if the whole AntiVenom thing hadn't been spoiled months in advance, this might have been more interesting, but this entire story has been just going through the motions, hitting the beats you'd expect as it goes along with no real surprises along the way. Not bad at any point, but nothing 'amazing' either. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    IGN - Bryan Joel Aug 27, 2008

    With six parts to "NWTD," I'm hoping Dan Slott can turn it around and capitalize on the promise of the first installment, but I just ended up frustrated with this issue. If this storyline is meant to be the litmus test for the title's direction (which I suspect it must be), it needs to improve quickly. Oh, and can Romita stay please? Like, forever? Read Full Review

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