Amazing Spider-Man #568

Writer: Dan Slott, Mark Waid Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 20, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 10
7.2Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

The Thunderbolts are on their way to Manhattan to take down Spider-Man!

  • 8.0
    IGN - Daniel Crown Aug 20, 2008

    With the dust finally settled from what I consider a catastrophic event in Spider-Man's publishing history, Slott is finally showing me that there's some potential for the series moving forward. Unlike the initial Brand New Day stories, New Ways to Die feels cohesive and tautly constructed. Every sub-plot is skillfully woven together, while the inclusion of Romita Jr.'s pencils capture what BND was allegedly all about in the first place. Not to say everything changes, the characterizations are still goofy at times (which isn't necessarily detrimental), but the book's jauntiness becomes much easier to swallow when wrapped within a well-plotted, intelligent superhero story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Aug 20, 2008

    So to wrap things up, the first issue of "New Ways to Die" was an extremely well-drawn, well-crafted comic that was enjoyable but far from mind-blowing, one that most importantly will wet the appetite for what's to come in future weeks. And I suppose that's enought to ask from any first part of a major story arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Aug 22, 2008

    This extra-sized issue also features a backup story by Mark Waid and Adi Granov that focuses on Eddie Brock -- the former host of the Venom symbiote -- and his recent battle against cancer. Waid capture the character well, with a neat storytelling device that sees Venom appear in reflective surfaces as a manifestation of Eddie's dark side, despite the fact that he is no longer bonded with the symbiote. It's an interesting piece of foreshadowing that makes me wonder whether we may see the return of the original Venom before this storyline is over. Granov's art is less stiff and posed than usual, and his take on Venom is a satisfying one, skewing far closer to the original Todd McFarlane design than many other recent artists to have worked on the character. It's hardly an essential story, but it provides some interesting insights into the current state of Eddie Brock's character, and justifies the cover price of $3.99 slightly more convincingly than other titles that only seem to offer a Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 22, 2008

    It's Brand New Day. If you liked it before this arc, you'll love this. If you didn't care for it prior to this, I doubt anything that happens here will change your mind. Read Full Review

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