Avengers Assemble #9

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick Artist: Stefano Caselli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 14, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 8
8.5Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

Marvel Now! Two scientists. Two big egos. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are science bros! When a fellow big-brain goes missing, who can find him first? Iron Man and Hulk form teams and embark on a global manhunt with bragging rights at stake!

  • 10
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Nov 14, 2012

    Stefano Caselli takes the controls of the art duties, and handles the job beautifully. His character work is spectacular and he lets DeConnick's enjoyable script shine through in his work as well. That's a great sign of a talented artist. It would be one thing to simply read DeConnick's words, but to see the art add depth and even more character to each person's facial expressions only makes the entire issue better. Toward the end of the issue, when Caselli really gets a chance to cut loose with some action, it creates a total package that is truly spectacular. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Nov 14, 2012

    DeConnick is similar to her husband in her ability to write amazingly grounded dialogue. There's no Shakespearean flair here or flowery vernacular. Even Thor's natural high dialect is toned down under DeConnick's hand. And I'll reiterate how refreshing it is to read these characters in a light that's not completely blood-soaked and desperate. Steve Rogers? I can't remember the last time I saw him in an issue out of costume. I was not expecting to like the 'Marvel NOW!' imprinted Avengers Assemble as much as I have. DeConnick's work on Captain Marvel has been phenomenal, but I was worried that her witty reparte would be lost in a team-based series. Fortunately, I stand corrected. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Nov 17, 2012

    A brilliant launch to what I desperately hope will not be an overlooked title, Avengers Assemble #9 was by far my favorite book of the week, and may even rank near the top of the year. It truly captures that feeling of being in on the ground floor with characters youd want to know personally and that is pretty darn marvelous. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Nov 19, 2012

    As fun as the dialogue and interplay are, what really grabbed my attention and never let go from the start was DeConnick's comparison of Iron Man and the Hulk. She uses them to present opposing philosophies, and it's interesting to see how such disparate points of view grew from what was basically the same starting point. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Nov 19, 2012

    Look, I know I'm way too excited for a comic book run based on a single issue (but I haven't been wrong before), but Avengers Assemble #9 seriously reads like the perfect companion to the Joss Whedon movie, and should be given to any fan of the movie who wants to get into the comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov Nov 16, 2012

    It may not have a #1 on the cover, but “Avengers Assemble” #9 is the perfect place for any new or lapsed fan to get into the Avengers and is the best not-#1 on the market. The book finally feels like what it was always meant to be — a place for fans of the movie interested in checking out something similar to find their haven within comics while old fans have just as good a time. Together, DeConnick and Caselli have hit all the right marks that Bendis and Bagley didn't seem able to, and the book is reborn in a fashion that most other NOW! titles can't boast. This isn't just a new status quo for the title; this is a brand new book with a completely new outlook — and damn, that outlook is mighty bright. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Nov 14, 2012

    Stefano Caselli absolutely rocks this book. It's incredible looking. The double spread that features Hulk and Iron Man could be a poster. In fact, it should be a poster. Get on that, Marvel. Of course, since the bulk of this issue is heroes talking, Caselli gets lots of opportunity to do some amazing character work. It all looks great. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to cut loose on too much action here, but that seems to be coming in the next issue, which means you should buy the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 18, 2012

    So far the new team is maintaining the high standards on this (relatively) new title. We'll see where it goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks Nov 17, 2012

    DeConnick and Caselli deserve better than a book with an ambiguous point overshadowed by Marvel NOW! relaunches. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed this issue more than any I read of Bendis' previous issues on Avengers Assemble. But I can't help feeling this isn't really an ideal use of all the talent involved. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Andrenn Nov 15, 2012

    If you love the Marvel Movies, like many people have, Avengers Assemble is a great place to jump into the comics. If you are a fan of the comics and either have never been big on Marvel or just have not been around for a while this is also a great place to get back into it. DeConnick does a great job of making Avengers Assemble a fun, accessible first issue that stands out from the rest. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Nov 19, 2012

    With this issue's ending leading into some more action-driven scenarios, that will hopefully signal a move into a more energetic tone. As it stands, the story itself seems like an afterthought, an element designed only to glue together the scenes of the characters getting along (or not), rather than a scenario into which the characters have been placed. DeConnick has the chops for a book like Avengers Assemble, she just needs to flex a few more muscles than those she's used here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 15, 2012

    "Avengers Assemble" #9 brings the title focused on the "movie cast" into the Marvel NOW! As DeConnick has made quite clear in interviews -- and certainly in the pages of this issue -- this title is going to be less concerned with only depicting the movie Avengers and more about branching out to the plush cast that carries Avengers ID cards. The first issue in this new direction is slightly underwhelming, giving readers less of a grandiose story than I expected for Marvel NOW! Caselli's art is full of energy and expression. Hopefully some of that will absorb into the story in issues to come. Read Full Review

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