Captain America #606

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Butch Guice Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 9, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

THE HEROIC AGE IS HERE! Acclaimed artist Butch Guice joins award-winning writer Ed Brubaker as the summer begins with a blast from the past! Zemo returns to finish the job his father started -- Killing Bucky! Rated T …$3.99

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 14, 2010

    This comic is setting the scene for the coming conflict with Zemo, and does so with great skill. And hey, Steve Rogers puts in an appearance, too, so even conflicted fans should be happy. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jun 10, 2010

    One final note: either by publishing gaffe or editorial oversight, it appears like the second page of a double-page title spread was replaced by a Honda ad. Come on Marvel - get on the ball. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jun 10, 2010

    "Captain America" #606 doesn't change too much from its usual routine, but the addition of Butch Guice to the art gives it a fresh feeling. His blending of different styles and elements make for a visually interesting and compelling comic, while Ed Brubaker's character work is, as always, stellar on this title. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka Jun 11, 2010

    With the titles return to greatness, Brubakers obvious return to focus, and Guice returning the moody pencils of old, Ill easily forgive the mishap that is the Nomad backup. Sure, were being charged an extra dollar for something most of us probably dont want, and I was knocking down half a bullet rating because of it. But if the quality of the book keeps on ticking, then my $4 will keep on clicking. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Jun 12, 2010

    Overall, this was a fairly entertaining and enjoyable issue, and although I remain cautiously optimistic about Brubaker using Zemo here, I'm enjoying it thus far. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jun 16, 2010

    Captain America #606 was a solid start to the Heroic Age for this title. Brubaker and Guice returned this series to form and went back to what made this issue great. Brubaker showed why Bucky makes for an interesting Captain America with the conflict inside of him. He also did a great job quickly building up Baron Zemo into being the new Red Skull for this title while giving Zemo his own distinct character and motivation for going after Captain America. If you havent picked up Captain America yet this is a great jumping on point as it has great action and character development to get new fans into the series. And if you have been reading this title this issue should not disappoint as it was a great read. Good to have you back to greatness Captain America. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jul 25, 2010

    Is Captain America too violent? His partner, the Falcon thinks so and wants to chat about it with Steve Rogers, the first Captain America. But time for repentance is short as the latest Baron Zemo launches an attack on Bucky Barnes to destroy his life and may have help from a certain Red Skull. Will they succeed? This issue was interesting and obviously a set for Barnes to fall into more violent acts as he avenges his friend and at the last minute realize that violence is not the way. Well, thats what I expect at the end of this story as well as the formal introduction of a new Red Skull and the creation of a new batch of arch villains for the hero. In other words, I feel that Ive read this story before and know whats going to happen in about three issues from now. Guice delivers better art than usual, which is a weird thing to say as hes always very good. Theres something about the way he inks this series that has changed. Its much stronger than before. Read Full Review

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