Captain America #609

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Butch Guice Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 25, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 8
6.4Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Bucky must return to the place where his life once ended as Baron Zemo continues to rip his life apart. It's the hardest hitting arc of Captain America ever by the awesome team of Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice. Rated T …$3.99

  • 7.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Aug 25, 2010

    Oh, and the Nomad back-up still exists. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Oct 7, 2010

    Now, the artwork is another matter. Im not sure what happened. Its the same regular team, yet it looks so different and uninspired. It felt like I was reading a Captain America comic book from the 1970s with the angst in the characters face and the melodramatic poses. Maybe its the inking, or the colours that arent making Guices work look better. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Aug 26, 2010

    As "No Escape" moves towards its conclusion next issue, Ed Brubaker writes a great confrontation between Captain America and Baron Zemo. Zemo is your typical confident, five-steps-ahead-villain, while James shows he's not as adept at being a superhero as he thought. This story arc has been a definitive one for James and this issue keeps up the quality. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Aug 31, 2010

    Captain America #609 was another solid entry to this No Escape arc. Ed Brubaker has a very firm grasp on Buckys character as well as the supporting cast. Brubakers Baron Zemo also comes off as a very wicked villain that is prepared for everything. Were this issue and arc suffers is that it reads like a set up for the Trial of Captain America arc that follows this one which takes away some of the impact of this arc and the ending for the next issue. Still if you have been following Brubakers Captain America this will be another enjoyable read for fans of this comic. For those that are not reading this on a monthly basis I recommend picking this up in trade because Brubakers Captain America reads much better in trade format. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawkShare this:StumbleUponDigg Aug 27, 2010

    I'm looking forward to the end of this arc, and hoping against hope that Steve will take his shield back after Bucky goes on trial in the next one. If the book continues in this direction, I may just have to get my Cap fixes from trades and back issues in the future. Read Full Review

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