FF #13

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Mike Allred Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 23, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 9
7.7Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

• Doom the Annihilating Conqueror ascends! Is this the beginning of the end of everything?
•  Who Watches the Wee Watcher?
•  What is the horrible secret of UNDERSPACE?
•  And two students transfer in at the best worst moment imaginable. FINALLY! MORE KIDS!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 23, 2013

    FF continues to be the wackiest and most compelling comic series on the stands. Lee Allred seems to have taken over the series from Matt Fraction with ease and Mike Allred's art with Laura Allred's colors makes this a joy to look at. There is a wide range of emotion and feeling as we witness Doom's evil and murderous ways along side the fun and goofy scenes involving the Future Foundation children. Things may be taking a slight turn as the story continues to unfold. There's no telling what's coming next but you can bet it's going to be a blast. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 23, 2013

    And the art remains as gorgeous and vibrant as ever. Once again, there's a sense that Mike Allred is cutting loose even more than usual and letting the art dictate the flow of the story. This issue has visual cutaways and dimension-hopping galore. Allred's standout pages involve his rendering of Red Ghost's mind-bending time-journey. We wind up with four distinct versions of the character entering and exiting the stage. It's the sort of bizarre sequence that might have been too confusing if not for the clear, engaging way it's rendered. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Oct 24, 2013

    The colorization by Laura Allred follow suits as well, with the focalization on cold and almost lifeless colors in the background, like grey, dark and a very light tone of blue to put the emphasis on the characters and their actions. There are many contrasts such as the one using the backgrounds, like how the white uniforms of the students makes their discerning traits all the more visible, or how the Red Ghosts seems to differentiate in term of details when put in comparison to some of the elements in the panels focusing on them. It's almost minimalistic at times, yet Laura Allred does a good job here. The mix between pure entertainment and plot progression, along with the characters full of life makes this issue a joy to read. Those looking for more meat may be a bit disappointed, yet the fun along with the delightful art from the Allreds make this issue works nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Oct 24, 2013

    Man, its going to be painful to watch FF go. Its still one of the top three Marvel titles being published and is one of my personal favorites. With only 3 issues left in this current run, this is a series you will not want to miss the end of. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Oct 25, 2013

    While it would be a little disingenuous to say that this book hasn't slipped at all since Matt Fraction stopped scripting, the difference has been far less than many worried it would be. The Allred brothers have this locked down, though, and the book is still one of the most fun being published. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 26, 2013

    So Matt Fraction is off FF, providing only general plot guidelines while Lee Allred handles the actual dialogue. The change isn't very noticeable, though maybe it is a little. It's hard to tell. The book remains as madcap and adorable as ever in issue #13, so who's complaining? Though I'll be sad when this series is cancelled for good. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Sam Hawkins Nov 5, 2013

    This isn't a bad issue of FF, but it feels somewhat lacking. Considering the big character developments for both Alex Power and Ant-Man, you really would expect more from this issue than a few pages addressing their predicaments. Saying that however, the rest of this comic still is fun to read, if somewhat irrelevant to the overall picture which both this title and Fantastic Four are edging ever nearer too" Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 28, 2013

    "FF" #13 is helping the comic prepare for its wrap-up, and even more than "Fantastic Four," it's a shame that Fraction wasn't available to be hands on for these last few chapters. With time Lee Allred's scripts may very well get a bit smoother, but for now the sudden creative shift has slightly disrupted a normally far more entertaining comic. Read Full Review

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