FF #6

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Joe Quinones Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 24, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 11
8.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Darla vs Yancy Street! ' NUFF SAID!

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Apr 25, 2013

    If theres one thing to be said about this issue, then, in relation to previous issues, is that it comes as proof to Fractions culpability not just his artists for the high quality of the title. FF is the book Id always wanted Fantastic Four to be, a farce of sorts reveling in its own ludicrousness, but still at its heart, a beautiful tale of familial love. If previous versions of the First Family fell short for me, it would be for their dedication to the reality of family life amid chaos, when truly, the best and most honest moments are seeming to come through the chaos and insanity directly, not in spite of it. Ever the powerful and intrinsically fun read in equal measure, FF remains one of my favorite titles to come back to every month. Keep up the great work, team! Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Apr 24, 2013

    As previously stated, Quinones nails the high-energy pop sensibilities that Allred imbued in this series. It helps a great deal, of course, that Laura Allred is still around to provided her gorgeous color work. FF #6, like the five issues before it, looks incredible. This is one of the comic books that you can just pop open and instantly understand. The writing and the art both convey that same sense of fun and humor. I'm going to start buying two copies of this book each month so that I can hand one out to a random person on the street and instantly make their world a little bit brighter. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Apr 25, 2013

    As weird as ever, Fraction delivers a particularly endearing story, subtly crafting the relationships and dynamics of these characters. Scott's subplot as the grieving father is heartfelt without being overplayed, and his growing relationship with Darla is interesting to see unfold. In a book with such a huge cast, Fraction manages to fold everyone into the story in an engaging way, from the Moloids to the Inhumans, making for an engrossing and enjoyable read. Quinones' art coupled with Laura Allred's colors is a fun and vibrant addition to the book, and carry the story with all the loveable strangeness readers have come to expect from this title. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Apr 25, 2013

    Even though Mike Allred isnt providing the art, FF is still just as pretty. FF rivals Fractions Hawkeye series, and while most would say Hawkguy is clearly the better of the two, this reviewer is not so sure. Both are phenomenal, but FF has more of a charisma that sets it apart and character angles that are becoming increasingly impressive. Not that any of that nonsense matters. You should be buying anything with Fractions name on it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 25, 2013

    Matt Fraction's absurdist family dramedy doesn't skip a beat with Mike Allred's absence, as Joe Quinones ably picks up his idiosyncratic artistic baton. From a Moloid's heartfelt (but also hilarious) confession to little quirks like Medusa's hair still twitching even when it's out of her head, this comic makes you genuinely laugh out loud. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Apr 24, 2013

    Of the two FF books, it certainly seems like Fraction has a clearer vision of what to do with this series than the main Four. It's a wild and woolly cast of weirdos, and I really like it that way, dummy! YANCY STREET. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Apr 30, 2013

    At first glance, nothing seems out of order on FF #6, until a few panels in when it becomes more evident that a new artist has taken over for Mike Allred. If Allred's art gets comparisons to the likes of Jack Kirby, Joe Quinones' could perhaps be compared to Joel Shuster with its stage-like posing and simpler pencils. Not that Quinones' artwork is childs-play — he's a suitable stand-in for Allred with his classically styled panel composition and exaggerated posing. One thing about seeing FF from another artist's perspective — it's now evident how much Allred is responsible for the FF's successes in storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 24, 2013

    This was another great issue from Matt Fraction. There was a strange feeling as if something was missing. The absence of Mike Allred's art may have played a tiny part in it but that wasn't quite it. Fraction does a great job juggling the numerous characters in this title but perhaps we're starting to see a hint of there being too many story plots happening. We do see some great development with some characters but a few others that were absent. Based on the events from last issue it felt a little odd not seeing an actual continuation of their parts. Joe Quinones does capture the feel of the title that Allred has bestowed upon us and the colors by Laura Allred further allows this feeling. This book is a combination of fun and energy yet Fraction lays in some serious elements without bringing you down. You can always expect laughs and entertainment when it comes to reading FF. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Apr 26, 2013

    If you aren't a fan of quirk at any level, then this book won't satisfy you. For literally everyone else, this book is about as likable and good-natured as comic books get in the year 2013. Matt Fraction and Mike Allred have something eccentric and special going on here. And if Joe Quinones is in tow for art fill-in duties, then we are all the richer, as “FF” #6 very clearly proves. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 27, 2013

    In the end, just as the plot with Medua thickens, the entire Future Foundation building is transported into the Negative Zone! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole May 2, 2013

    So, while FF #6's script doesn't quite live up to Fraction's previous work on the title, it still entertains in places. The visual quality of the book impresses thanks to Quinones. But with a major chunk of the book's narrative (The Yancy Street Gang) not working and one random plot point that seems out of place, FF #6 doesn't quite come together to create a satisfying reading experience. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - BradBabendir Apr 28, 2013

    This is the worst FF issue to date, but that’s not so bad, all things considered. There was some very good art and the story line works. This was a speed bump, not a detour, and Fraction and Co. will most certainly continue delivering. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Apr 29, 2013

    This issue promises a strong cliffhanger leading to something a bit more significant in our future and I'm interested to see how Fraction and merge this light (and slight) book with something that has a bit more gravitas. If he can do it, I'll be more excited than ever to have a book like this on the stands. If he can't, I'll still be glad its here. Even when it's not a perfect book it's still a unique snowflake in a blazing desert. Read Full Review

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