Mighty Avengers #12

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 23, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 7
7.9Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

SECRET INVASION TIE-IN! Nick Fury has been MIA. Rewind the clock to Fury's time in SECRET WAR and follow Fury as he puts together the pieces of his life! See what makes him Target Number One for Secret Invasion!

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Apr 22, 2008

    Don't let the cover fool you. This issue has little to do with the Avengers, themselves, and it might have stood better as a one-shot, but whatever the case, this is one heck of a story and Alex Maleev does nothing but illustrate Bendis' script brilliantly. In many ways, this issue plays out like a Jason Bourne movie as Fury bounces around from place to place, surprising people and issuing stern warnings. Bendis has found the perfect way to reintroduce him back into Marvel continuity and he serves up one a heck of a thrilling story, too. If you've been following Secret Invasion, this is a story you cannot afford to miss. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 23, 2008

    For the first 11 issues of this book part of me has wondered why Mighty Avengers exists at all. For once I'm able to quiet that little voice in my head. Perhaps this issue doesn't completely justify the book's existence, as the story could have just as easily taken place in New Avengers. I don't really care. Tie-in books like this make the entire Secret Invasion blitz well worth it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Apr 23, 2008

    Some may claim this issue was kind of slow – as nothing more than Fury's initial awareness of the Skrulls is shown, but knowing that there is much more to the story, and that Bendis is likely to continue to explore Fury's vantage point, I choose to see The Mighty Avengers #12 as an exciting stepping stone leading to something much larger. So those looking for another Avengers story… sorry, but you are just going to have to settle with a superior story featuring one of Marvel's most interesting characters… deal with it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Apr 22, 2008

    The most recent issues of Bendis' Avengers books have demonstrated that the writer does seem to have a solid grasp of how to channel the ideas behind Secret Invasion into entertaining comics (even if they're not great Avengers comics, exactly) and it's nice to see the titles finally make good on the promise of the Skrull invasion plotline that was first made explicit way back in New Avengers #31. If these kinds of stories had been told in the immediate aftermath of the Skrull-Elektra revelation, it might have made for a truly compelling build-up to what has been billed as the climax to Bendis' entire run on the Avengers books. As it is, there's still a sense that the books are struggling to rebuild momentum now that Secret Invasion has kicked off in earnest, and has given them the green light to really start get to the meat of the storyline. That said, if Bendis keeps on turning out issues like this one, it should encourage readers to fully invest in the crossover, as this is a soli Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jun 7, 2008

    Maleev has the opportunity to work on a story that is attuned to his strength. Or perhaps, his participation made it the type of stories he would draw! Its all headshots and introspections, with very little words said. Its not crime noir, but his moody style fits the super spy thriller that we witness this issue. As with everything Maleev works on. The *visuals are balanced, well executed and without any extra drawing and the right storytelling. He makes it seem so easy to render out professional pages like these. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Apr 25, 2008

    Despite the tonal shift being more than a little jarring, Maleev's art is more than welcome wherever it turns up. Bendis has described this issue as something of a trailer for their long-promised Spider-Woman series, and if that's the case, we can all look forward to a stunning title in the future. Hopefully the next few issues of "Mighty Avengers" will round out Fury's storyline into something a little fuller, but for now the scene is set masterfully - it's now up to Bendis and Maleev to make good on that promise. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 25, 2008

    I found Mighty Avengers #12 to be an enjoyable read. I have been rather neutral on the entire Secret Invasion story. However, Bendis managed to get me more interested in Secret Invasion with this issue. Yes, this was a slow story, but I liked seeing how Bendis has been planning this Skrull invasion for quite some time. Bendis does a good job giving more back-story to the Secret Invasion and teasing the reader with hints about who may or may not be a Skrull. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Apr 23, 2008

    There's no Skrull reveals here, there's no major revelations on Fury's underground movements and, while not a bad issue, this doesn't answer any questions I had about Fury or Skrulls and does nothing to bolster my interest in Secret Invasion. I did like this issue and it was a good read, but I expected a lot more from this considering we're smack dab in the middle of a major event. Read Full Review

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