“DOWN SOUTH,” PART 1 Out of the frying pan…into the inferno. Marc Spector may be dead, but Moon Knight is very much alive. Hiding out in the dark underbelly of Mexico City, trouble quickly finds the fugitive vigilante when a mysterious millionaire begs him to ensure the safe return of his kidnapped daughter. Problem is, the girl is in the clutches of corrupt cops that are currently in the crosshairs of a vigilante whose methods make even Khonshu blink. The Punisher has come down to Mexico, and God help anyone who gets between him and his prey. Parental Advisory …$2.99
This title has undoubtedly been given new life by changing the status quo and presenting fresh material in a new area for a character. There's so much potential presented in this issue that Moon Knight could easily be kept busy for quite some time or at least until it's time to stage a coup against Norman Osborn. This title consistently impresses me due to the quality of the story and the handling of the character and the world around him. I can't wait to see where Benson takes this title over the next couple of story-arcs, and I am excited for the continued evolution of the character. Read Full Review
The script isn't too shabby either. After attracting attention in a bare-knuckle boxing match, Jake accepts a commission to rescue the daughter of a local landowner to rescue his daughter. The mission is more than it seems, obviously. For one thing, Moonie has attracted the attention of Frank Castle, who for some reason has traveled down south... again. I'm not sure I approve of the guest appearance. It seems these days that Punisher is a quick and easy solution to drum up interest in Marvel's dark, gritty, and under-appreciated stable of books. This series is showing a great deal of improvement with this arc. It doesn't need the plug. Let's hope what failed to work for Foolkiller can work for Moon Knight. Read Full Review