Moon Knight #30

Writer: Mike Benson Artist: Jefte Palo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 9, 2015 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

DOWN SOUTH CONCLUSION The little Mexican town of El Paso Del Norte is getting crowded. First, there’s Moon Knight, whose current alter ego, Jake Lockley, is playing bodyguard to a young woman who’s in the crosshairs of virtually every assassin south of the Rio Grande. Then, there’s the Zapata Brothers, a duo of outlandish assassins that are determined to collect the bounty. And then there’s the Punisher, who’s crossed the border on the trail of some Russian Mobsters. Oh, and did we forget to mention the phantom predator known as Toltec, who’s got his sights on everyone?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers May 26, 2009

    The true ending of this issue is where many of the questions regarding this title's future can be raised. We see a few major things happen that warrant mentioning. First, Moon Knight watches an interview with Norman Osborn, the first time he learns of what's happening in "Dark Reign." Second, he flushes Khonshu, as a tequila worm, down the toilet, signifying that perhaps Marc Spector has once again become the dominate personality and Osborn has given him the motivation he needs to turn Moon Knight into the hero he wants to be. And finally, this issue ends with Spector looking out of a window, the reflection showing the Moon Knight hood and behind that, the familiar mug of Norman Osborn. Spector vows he will return home and work to take down Osborn alone. Does this mean the book is cancelled? Will he see Moon Knight pop up during a battle between the Avengers and Dark Avengers? Something tells me that Moon Knight is about to play a major role in the Marvel Universe and it starts Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Avanvolk Nov 12, 2023

    Well, it wasn't horrible, it just wasn't great. It may not even have been good. It just...was. I don't really understand the purpose of this entire arc. Benson never really justified Moon Knight's or the Punisher's presence in Mexico. What was the point of the Toltec? It was teased for a few issues and big showdown? Just some interesting creative choices. The art was a bit better here than last issue at least. Disappointed that Benson didn't manage to stick the landing after a fantastic third issue of this arc, but I suppose I shouldn't really be all that surprised considering the rest of his run was mostly either incoherent or just plain boring.

  • 8.5
    iPodwithnomusic Apr 3, 2018

  • 7.5
    Hex Jul 29, 2022

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