New Avengers #8

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 3, 2005 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 12
6.0Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

SENTRY PART 2 The mystery of the Sentry revealed! The Avengers try to help the most powerful super hero in the world figure out who he is and where he came from! But will this knowledge destroy the man they are trying to help?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 9, 2005

    The demand for Steve McNiven does seem to be quite high, as it seems every month features a story about what his next project is going to be. However, one only has to take a look at his highly detailed work in order to understand why writers would want him working on their project, as there's some great big impact shots in this issue, from the scene where we see the New Avengers arrive for the second round with the Wrecker, to the cooler than heck final double page shot that closes the issue, as we see twenty-two of Marvel's heavy-hitters have arrived to "help" Mr. Reynolds with his problem. Steve McNiven also deserves credit for his work on the exchange where we see Logan considering Tony's offer, as how can one not love his expression when Tony mentions that he's a very rich man. I also have to say it's great to see Sal Buscema's work in the opening pages, as he does a lovely job of bringing readers back to the early days of the Marvel Universe. I also loved the little touch of the o Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Aug 7, 2005

    Yet, heres something I dont get: almost half an issue of the new adventures of Earths greatest superheroes who unite to fight the foes no single super hero can withstand is devoted to: the Wrecker? You gotta be kidding me. Is he really that powerful? I always pegged him as a second rate villain. One of the best parts of the book was the opening sequence by Sal Buscema whose work Ive enjoyed since he was on Spectacular Spiderman in the 80s. Overall, I found the Sentry to be an interesting character, even though he looks a little bit too much like Thor on the cover. The art by guest penciler McNiven is solid and it reminds me a lot of John Cassady who is skilled at rendering both action sequences and facial expressions with ease. Lets hope well be treated to greater cosmic threats than the Wrecker in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 7, 2005

    Art-wise: Still not sold on the McNiven art. His figures are as spindly and odd as Finchs, just in a different way. His poses for Spider-Woman vs. the Wrecker are much better this issue; he dwarfs her physically, but hes not at the same time making her small. I do like the slow-motion blur effects he (or someone) adds to his battle scenes, and hes a competent storyteller, but Coipels still the best of this lot. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Aug 7, 2005

    Great end spread, but I dont really see the point of the all those characters being there. The build-up seemed non-existent for such a dramatic event. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Aug 7, 2005

    Whilst we do get a few minor yet significant character beats (a scene between Tony Stark and Wolverine manages to state the case for Logans inclusion on the team quite convincingly, and the revelation of Spider-Womans more subtle powers of persuasion were well-written and nicely paced), a neat action scene which ties up last issues fight with the Wrecker (with Steve McNivens art earning the issue most of its silver-bullet-tally: I love the opening page of the fight which shows Wolverine crashing to the ground among a spray of soiled nappies and apple cores, and theres an excellently drawn piece of co-ordinated teamwork which closes the fight), and a set-up for the return of the Void (which is going to mean very little to people who arent familiar with the original Sentry miniseries), theres only really about half an issues worth of material here. Whilst theres still a lot of promise in the Sentry arc, its currently treading water. Heres hoping for better things next iss Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Aug 7, 2005

    I dont want to be giving this such a panning; Avengers has long been my favourite title, and I really want this to be a bold return to form after the rubbish Marvel has published since Busieks departure. But Bendis is killing this comic before its even had a chance to get started; hes set up plots that arent going anywhere, and hes based this entire arc around a mystery that hes managed to squeeze all excitement and interest out of in only two issues. Its not bad, but it just seems so vague and pointless. When the best part of the issue is a three-page parody of Silver Age comics, you know youve got trouble. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Organ Aug 7, 2005

    So my final words on this issue have to be that I give it because I couldnt find enough redeeming qualities to give it more, and couldnt find enough about the issue that I hated to give it less. It forwards the story barely one iota, so its scarcely worth what I paid. Read Full Review

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