New X-Men #139

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Phil Jimenez Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 11
9.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

MURDER AT THE MANSION PART 1 A psychic confrontation leads to Emma Frost shattered and broken in her diamond form! Has Jean Grey murdered her husband's would-be mistress?

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Apr 25, 2003

    Murder at the Mansion requires quite a lot of background information to appreciate fully, but luckily Marvel has been collecting Morrisons New X-Men run with commendable regularity. A large of camp of readers will no doubt be furious at the latest turn in the Phoenix-Cyclops relationship, and this is good. Kill one, kill the other, it gets old. Break a taboo, with one of the most respected and longstanding couples in comics, thats bold. It makes for good reading. And, ironically, this latest twist will likely have longer-lasting ramifications than the death of either paramour. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 28, 2003

    One has to love a book that is able to twist things around like this issue managed to pull off, as Emma ends up as the more sympathetic character in this issue, while Jean & Scott come across rather poorly. Now the book doesn't hide the fact that Emma was trying to seduce Scott, but it also takes Jean's retaliation to a point where Emma's questionable behavior looks rather tame by comparison. This issue also smartly plays up Wolverine's feelings for Jean, there is a whole calling the kettle black comparison to the idea that Jean is upset because Scott thought about cheating on her. In any event this is an emotionally intense issue, that manages to offer up some strong insight into Emma's past, and the last page also delivers a truly impressive shocker, that is sure the create a firestorm of activity around the X-Mansion. The simple truth of the matter is that Scott & Jean's relationship needed to be shaken up, and this issue certainly accomplishes this. Read Full Review

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