Congratulations, Kamala Khan - You Got Tickets to Dazzler! ADVISORY: This historic, one-night-only performance will be recorded for theatrical distribution! By entering this concert, you and your little mutant friends consent to being recorded, manipulated and otherwise used by the extradimensional superbeing known as MOJO. Lasers, smoke, flashing lights and other stagecraft will be used against you. Have fun at Dazzler! We hope you survive the experience!
Rated T+
Dazzler may be in town, but NYX #6 puts Wolverine at center stage. Laura Kinney's night out with her friends is shockingly interrupted by a hefty dose of bisexual panic thanks to Local and the return of Kiden Nixon. Mojo is the scariest he's been in years, and though his plan failed this time, it's clear that his plans for NYC are far from over. Read Full Review
There are not enough words in the world to explain how much I loved Ral Angulo's coloring job in NYX #6. The comic had all the vibes of a Dazzler concert in all the details and it was pitch perfect. Something else I really loved was how unsettling Mojo and Local looked in this. It really set the tone for how unhinged Mojo actually is, as they looked down right creepy. The artists all did a fantastic job in making this a visually stunning comic. Read Full Review
A fun romp in an exciting setting, but little more; what NYX #6 lacks in substance, it makes up for in style. As Kelly and Lanzing introduce new heroes and returning villains, NYX can only hope to aim higher and swing harder! Read Full Review
NYX #6 isn't the best issue of the series, but not giving up on one of the better X-titles just yet. Read Full Review
Fun issue, solid writing and art. Mojo is always a good villain, and this was a good setting for a Mojo story. I appreciate the personality being shown among the characters. Hope we see more of Local and Mojo and that plot isn't dropped.
My least favorite issue so far, unfortunately. The art was solid throughout, but I don't really think that most of this issue's story needed to be here. It's nice that we're finally getting back to Mr. Friend, though, after he was initially introduced earlier in the series.
Art: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6/10
All fluff and no substance. I really don't know what this title is supposed to be. The art is not quite atrocious, but really close, and the dialogue is nonsensical. The Lanzing/Kelly time in comics needs to come to an end....quickly.
Unreadable garbage. I tried reading it, but the art doesn't let me.