• It's the end of the road for Peter Parker.
• Morlun has returned and Peter's only ally, J. Jonah Jameson, is doing his best...but can it possibly be enough?
Rated T
An action-packed finale to the clash between Spider-Man and Morlun. Read Full Review
A lackluster issue brings a painfully uneven Spider-Geddon tie-in miniseries to close in as similar a manner as it started, riding the line between self-serious and funny in a way that doesn't benefit the narrative or artistic effort in any way that would allow either the breathing room a good Spidey, or Peter Parker, story needs. Read Full Review
Spider-Man puts down Morlun for a fourth time. The defeat is not too devastating but Spidey's astute criticism is. He's got Morlun pegged: The monster never feels the need to bring anything except his physical superiority into battle. He's faster and stronger, but Spidey will out-clever him every time. It's a good script and great art gives it a solid boost. The comic relief is endearingly cheesy, in classic Spidey style, and it adds laughs without spoiling the mood.
This was probably the best part of this Spider-Geddon tie-in. I hope this is the last time Spider-Man ever fights Morlun. Four times is three times too many. But this issue explains why Morlun should stop and it's really gratifying, which means it's a good way to finish and conclude this mission of Morlun's. But now he's imprisoned in the 616 universe, so that just makes it even easier for him to come back, so that's worrying. I like to think Peter taking out Morlun's eye was a callback to The Other where Morlun took Peter's eye. Wasn't that horrible and gruesome, huh?
I actually really liked this, especially the part where Morlun had the Central Park Zoo seal of approval.
Really enjoyable issue! Great writing and art. Feels nice to see Peter and Jonah are working with each other than Peter always turning him down. I will admit, I will miss that costume when he gets cleaned up.