Jean Grey made a human choice, and it's come back to haunt her: The Dark God Perrikus has been freed from prison and set loose on a path of death and destruction. Now the PHOENIX must take action to protect her universe!
Rated T+
The artwork is simply stunning! Throughout Phoenix #5, each panel feels larger than life. The artwork of the Phoenix run has been beautiful but I would say this issue is the best of the run so far. Without giving too much away, the first few pages are feasts for the eyes. Once you pick up the comic and start reading you'll see why I say that. Another home run for the artists! Read Full Review
Stephanie Phillips has really nailed the pacing for the latest Jean Grey series. Phoenix #5 is an excellent example of that as the scale of the story is appropriately larger than life. Read Full Review
Phoenix #5 continues to solidify its place as one of the best X-Men books on the stands, putting Jean Grey in a new position and giving her new threats to face. It's no easy task to push a character forward, but Phillips and Miracolo are succeeding on every level. Read Full Review