The artwork continues to be a major draw with S.H.I.E.L.D. Dustin Weaver embraces the sense of wonder and imagination inherent in the writing and channels it into every page. The mixture of steampunk, science fiction, and pure Jack Kirby fantasy is a captivating one. The colors aren't quite the same in the transition from Christina Strain to Sonia Oback, as they aren't quite as ethereal. Regardless, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better-looking book on the stands this week. Read Full Review
This is getting really good.
Though this issue doesn't have any main reveals, it sets up the last 4 issues perfectly. Issac Newton escapes his execution by fleeing to the future. The war between Leonardo Da Vinci and Newton appears to end. And in the comics final pages, while Nostradamus and the Star Child, are looking for the Infinity Formula, the Star Child stumbles upon the Quiet Math and it drives him insane