• Miles and Gwen's adventure takes them back to Gwen's dimension in pursuit of someone very important to Miles.
• But something about the pursuit puts our heroes at odds!
Rated T
As expected, there's plenty of humor and romantic tension, as well. Still no kiss, but we know it's coming. Considering how great these two are together already, it should make the moment even better once it arrives. I'm not in any hurry to get there, though"especially when every step of the journey is this enjoyable. Read Full Review
Spider-Gwen presses a button and tells Miles that she is saving them and transports them to a weird spider-verse and then transports them back to the roof top. Miles' realty transporter beeps and tells him to go back to the origin point. Spider-Gwen decides to come with him and presses the button with Miles, and the issue leaves on a cliff-hanger! Read Full Review
Sitting in a Tree continues to be interesting, but this part of the story was a little disjointed for how the story had been running previously. Read Full Review
Wonderful artwork and a compelling showcase that Miles is still a developing hero who could at least occasionally use the guidance of a more experienced hero make this a good study of the character. Both Gwen and Miles get nice moments, and Jefferson is developed in a way that makes the reader wonder what's going on with him. Read Full Review
I loved this issue! The showdown between Miles and his dad was intense and thrilling, and the Sara Pichelli artwork was absolutely fantastic! This issue looks totally great! And it is "good Bendis," personal, charming, and funny ("A girl that meets your inherent sense of self-loathing?") I'm totally into this storyline, and really like the Miles/Gwen chemistry. Fun stuff.
Lots of butt kicking, thank you. Plus it leaves some questions to ponder.
Good issue. Liked that Bendis is not scared to show Miles getting his butt kicked. Also, liked how this issue showed how Gwen is much more creative with her spider abilities than Miles. Showing Miles still has much to learn about crime fighting. But, overall a good interested issue can't wait to see what happens next. 8.5/10
Miles goes into idiot mode when confronted by the Earth-65 version of his Dad; fortunately, Spider-Gwen is there to save his butt. I'm a huge fan of the gorgeous combat acrobatics Sara Pichelli draws for Gwen. I'm less certain about Miles dropping into "hapless newbie" shellshock; he's young but he has definitely seen some ☠☠☠☠.
The relationship between Gwen and Miles continues to build. After seeing a relationship build between Miles and his good friends Sam and Kamala from their days in the Avengers I expected the same type of relationship to develop in this crossover and for the first time I am seeing this build. Gwen begins to care for Miles in a way seeing his passion. Miles meanwhile begins to admire Gwen in her creativity and skill. We also see morals that they both share. I start to wonder is this a way to start introducing Gwen to the main universe in a more permanent way? Now that she has spent some time with Jessica (Spider Woman) and Miles it does seem possible.