LUKE SKYWALKER knows his destiny is leading him toward a confrontation with DARTH VADER. But Vader is a Dark Lord of THE SITH, and Luke is barely even a JEDI. To have any chance at survival, he must find a way to train himself in the battle techniques he will soon face. He must find...ANOTHER SITH!
Rated T
We get left with a fun cliffhanger in which it very much looks like Luke is about to face an opponent within the Crystal who was maybe just as powerful as Vader. I'm looking forward to the next issue to see how this gets resolved. Read Full Review
The issue teases that Luke will be trapped in the crystal forever, and while we know that's not true and this undercuts the stakes of the adventure, it feels like such a relief compared to the event that preceded it, as this one chapter teases a more compelling blend of superficial excitement with more mystical elements than anything in "Dark Droids." Read Full Review
Started out good and I was excited to see Luke cleanse the crystal but once he enters the "evil" memories of the kyber the story really drops off. After all the warnings of this extremely dark all encompassing pain from the memories he'd endure, we're left with a very mundane boring alt reality that is just boring let alone threatening. Still decent overall but I really hope the story picks up significantly next issue.