LUKE SKYWALKER is trapped deep behind enemy lines, hunted by a rogue SITH who sees the nascent JEDI KNIGHT as his chance at new ascendancy. How will Luke survive... ...and who will he be if he does?
Rated T
This is an awesome Star Wars story that gets into the metaphysics of The Force as we see Luke undergo a sort of shamanic journey where he lives an entire lifetime in order to heal the red khyber crystal. I enjoyed the dialogue between Luke and the Sith throughout this story. The Sith has a few memorable bits of dialogue where they talk about the value of their pain and try to justify why they can't let it go. Read Full Review
While this installment explored necessary steps along Luke's path to the Jedi he would become in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, it's not necessarily the most thrilling chapter, given it all unfolds within a world where nothing really seems to matter. Read Full Review
It’s cool that Luke got the green kyber by cleansing a red one but the way it was displayed with a corny villain was a shame. The fights with Vader were cool and made more sense but the Ahsoka book told the cleansing of her kyber in a far superior way.
A fairly boring story that does manage to give Luke’s green lightsaber an origin story while at the same time has him facing a illy, comic book Sith villain that we really don’t care about.