Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #5
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Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #5

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Marco Checchetto Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 25, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 16
7.6Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

• War breaks out...with our Jedi caught in the middle!
•  Master and apprentice come to an important realization.
•  Marvel's first Jedi-centric miniseries draws to a dramatic close!
Rated T

  • 8.4
    Comicsverse - Sean Bartley May 26, 2016

    For all its faults, OBI-WAN & ANAKIN #5 does enough right to be a satisfying conclusion to the series. It lacks the strong characterization that this series promised and delivered in earlier issues, but it resolves the story effectively and includes some great bits with Obi and Anakin at the end. Charles Soule did in less than five issues what the STAR WARS films failed to do over the course of many hours: he made Anakin a sympathetic figure. For that reason alone this series is a success, but it accomplished more than that. It fleshed not only Anakin's relationship with Obi-Wan but also his relationship with Palpatine, which always felt undercooked in the films. The art of Marco Checchetto has been phenomenal all throughout but is especially great here because of how action-packed this issue is. I thoroughly enjoyed this series despite its problems and hope that this creative team can reunite to share with us more of Obi-Wan and Anakin's adventures. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 26, 2016

    I enjoyed this series overall and I suspect it's one that will read a lot better when done in trade/full form to take in. It's the kind of story that I could see being done well as an hour-long episode within the old TV series framework and being interesting but largely forgettable in the long run compared to other tales. I like what we get here with Anakin and his search for the right path, though we know how it was going to go so there's only so much use in focusing on that too much. The win for me was getting some new solid story material for Obi-wan and five issues of utterly beautiful artwork from Checchetto and Mossa. Honestly, even though the story is mediocre at best, these elements drove it up a few notches to make it better than it would have been in other hands. Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    IGN - Levi Hunt May 26, 2016

    As much good as the first 4 issues did for the prequel era, this final issue shows how hard it can be to tell good Star Wars stories in that era. Read Full Review

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