As Starkiller Base targets the Resistance for elimination, it's up to Poe Dameron and Black Squadron to mount a frontal assault and take the weapon long as their friends on the ground can get the shields down!
Rated T
The information delivered in this issue feels redundant and somewhat unnecessary, yet Charles Soule's writing and Angel Unzueta's art breathe life into the recollection of events we've seen transpire in films. Read Full Review
This was a very odd issue. It was pretty good, but I'm not sure if Soule was actually able to pull off the droid conversation between R2 and BB-8. Leaving aside how odd it was, I don't think it matched up with the personality I have established for these two droids in my head! That aside though there was some really interesting little nuggets of Star Wars narrative material in here. This is the type of material that should have been in The Last Jedi, but we get it in a comic book. An odd choice, but in terms of this comic books it is a good thing, and an incentive to read. Read Full Review
An okay read that doesn't feel necessary but does have a key Rey moment. Read Full Review
This arc continues to fill in some gaps regarding the things that we didn't see in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. There is a wide assortment of characters that we love and it continues to fill up the canon beautifully.
A strong issue with the usual great artwork by Unzueta. I'm glad they didn't spend too long recapping the events of The Force Awakens, it looks like next issue will be all new story filling in the gaps between the end of TFA and the start of TLJ. I'm really looking forward to it!