Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #3

Writer: Ed Brubake Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 15, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 6
8.2Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

His enemy stands revealed - but that's just the beginning of Steve's problems: Reverted to his former 98-pound-weakling self, Steve is trapped in the heart of the enemy's lair and fighting for his life! Rated T $3.99

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Sep 19, 2010

    [color=red]Ratings:[/b] Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Vine - G-Man Sep 15, 2010

    Ed Brubaker + Steve Rogers = a good time. I was worried when Steve returned and it was decided that Bucky would stay as Cap. I wanted more Rogers action written by Brubaker and we're getting it here (and in Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Sep 16, 2010

    He may not be Captain America or even a Super-Soldier when this issue starts, but Steve Rogers is definitely incredibly capable and dangerous. Ed Brubaker and Dale Eaglesham deliver a fun, exciting superhero comic using a classic plot device that effectively makes Rogers look as fantastic as he's always described. Lately, there's been a lot of talk of how good Rogers is and this issue shows it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 19, 2010

    This series got off to a pretty slow start for me, with yet another shoe-horned 1940′s love interest (although she may be the same Nazi girlfriend that appeared in the Adventures of Captain America miniseries in the 90′s) and some blah-blah-blah about Professor Erskines son, who should rightly be much older by any count that I can come up with, but it recovers nicely here. This particular issue gives us more than we usually get from Steve Elder Statesman With The Pep Talks And The Glayvin Rogers, showing us WHY hes so indomitable, and giving us a first-person narrative that lets us in his head. Ed Brubaker is good with this character, and as much as I mock the whole Were better because were more human! school of super-heroic thought, it works when its not overworked. (Batman, anyone?) My main complaints are incidental (weve seen the whole scrawny Steve-thing before, weve seen Captain America without super-soldier formula before, and by the way, didnt they remove it from Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Dan Iverson Sep 15, 2010

    What struck me this issue, and what had me thinking about the previous two, is what little happens across an issue. I'm sure this will be an entertaining read when collected, but each issue seems like it can be summed up extremely quickly, and more so than the other two issues this book feels a bit extraneous. While there was an opening for Brubaker to delve deeply into what made Steve Rogers want to become a super soldier and how his previous life formed who he has become, we instead were left to gather that info from our previous experience with the character in lieu of the cheesy villain pontificating over and over about how he has beat Rogers. In a way, Machinesmith came off like a bad Bond villain, and as such, like all Bond movies, the hero was able to go from his position of peril to being perfectly fine back on the chase in no time flat. It seemed a little convenient, and to me, like a missed opportunity. But once again, that is how the whole mini-series has gone down; being a Read Full Review

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