Thunderbolts #130

Writer: Andy Diggle Artist: Bong Dazo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 25, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 3
5.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

MAGNUM OPUS PART 2 In this crossover with Deadpool, everyone's favorite Merc with a Mouth has the Thunderbolts in his crosshairs -- but this murderer's row of wannabe heroes won't lay down without a fight.

  • 7.8
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Mar 18, 2009

    Beyond that, the team member interaction/characterization was kind of lacking. This will hopefully be fixed/fleshed out after the arc, since if I don't know much about most the cast, then the average reader will be even more lost. In the end, this isn't Shakespeare or even the complex nuance of the Ellis run. At the same time, it's a quick entertaining read, which was ultimately the goal. If you want dark and moody, Diggle is more than capable, and it will return once Magnum Opus concludes. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Colbert Mar 31, 2009

    It may seem like I'm down on Thunderbolts but not really. I think Andy Diggle has a lot of promise and when he can get back to just the T-Bolts things will snap into a better rhythm. The art team is top notch; rich detail in Dazos pencils (though the business could get away from him). Pimentels inks compliment Dazo well and the colors are fun and fiery giving a cool, comic book sheen to everything. I look forward to more from this team. And if Daniel Way ever steps down from writing Deadpool I hope Diggle will be next in line. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dan Hill Mar 17, 2009

    A solid issue and an impressive "debut" of sorts for Bong Dazo (his Deadpool is also good, in case you were wondering) but the change in tone, whilst suiting Deadpool, jars when put in the greater context of the issues that have come before. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Mar 25, 2009

    Bong Dazo is an excellent artist. He has a cartoony layout and dimension to his art that is similiar to Ed McGuinness but has a very proper and realistic take on detail such as muscles and fabrics. Just take a look at the Widow's skin tight uniform on page twelve. The line detail to her suit actually looks like real skin tight material stretching to cover her frame. I have never seen a style quite like Dazo but my exposure is quite limited when compared to other writing staff. My only worry is that when this crossover is read back to back the art change from Paco Medina to Bong Dazo may take away from the overall enjoyment of the story. The adventure continues in Deadpool #9. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke Mar 26, 2009

    Fanboys take note: when somebody asks whether or not you dig the Bong, I promise you it's okay to say “YES!” This was my first introduction to artist Bong Dazo's work, and I was incredibly impressed. Although I believe his style is a bit to cartoonish and illustrative to be the regular artist for a dark and gritty title like Thunderbolts, it nicely complements Deadpool's appearance here. Dazo's artis loose and flowing, yet incredibly detailed when the moment calls for it, and I hope the industry takes note and sends more work his way! As for the story itself, I was surprised by how easily Deadpool took down the Thunderbolts, and disappointed by how utterly inept they came off looking. I enjoyed this issue, don't get me wrong, but when I finished it the first thing I said to myself was “wow, why is it I'm reading this title?”The ease with which Deadpool laid the smackdown on Osborn's team of covert cutthroats is embarassing, and it makes them lo Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Mar 31, 2009

    As for the art, as soon as I saw the first page I cringed, remembering the art switch during the Secret Invasion tie-in, which was overly, well, comic book like. It was a flashback to the nineties and the story matched it. Now this series is experiencing the same thing again, a big change in order to do some internal promotion. So the art really didnt sit well. But Bogo Dazo can make action sequences full of explosions and guns, his pencils have tons of energy. The characters are flying all over the place and the fighting is very chaotic. Dazo is a great choice for an issue that is a fight and no flavour. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Mar 17, 2009

    (For a glimpse at Dazo's art, check out the CBR Preview of "Thunderbolts" #130) Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Mar 18, 2009

    Not sure what Marvel was trying to accomplish by forcing this crossover between the two titles. If it was to get people to pick up both titles or increase sales in general, they've failed miserably and only managed to lose a customer on one of the titles. Not even sure if I'll bother coming back in two or three months time when this is all over and done with. Read Full Review

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