Thunderbolts #131

Writer: Andy Diggle Artist: Bong Dazo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 29, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
5.6Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

MAGNUM OPUS PART 4 The final showdown between the maniacal Merc with a Mouth and Norman Osborn's Thunderbolts is here. Will the win go to the crazed and murderous Deadpool or Osborn's super-powered team of misfits?

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Apr 29, 2009

    While Magnum Opus was not a spectacular mind blowing story it was still entertaining and fun. It was something akin to a summer blockbuster movie with bullets flying, big explosions and even a stolen kiss or two. Dazo continues to impress with his striking character poses and insane muscular detail. As I stated earlier the choreography of his fights are noteworthy and exciting. You almost feel like you want to dodge punches that are being thrown. The colorists also deserve a lot of praise. They really build and bring new dimension to the Dazo’s art. Diggle has proven he has a talent for writing morally corrupt or confused characters. His Deadpool is witty and I loved how Osborn suddenly and drastically changed. The scripting of all the characters dialogue was completely on point. I have to say crossovers like this work well when they are infrequent. I did not mind spending the money on two issues of another book but I want this story to have lasting effects on those involved. I h Read Full Review

  • 5.4
    IGN - Bryan Joel Apr 29, 2009

    Thunderbolts looks to be getting back to business as the title moves on, and I can't say I'm sorry to see Deadpool depart from its pages. If anything, "Magnum Opus" has seemed to be a time-waster for this book and certainly didn't do its shiny new cast any favors. It's a shame this came before they'd really had an opportunity to prove themselves. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Conclusion A capable conclusion to a fairly disap May 2, 2009

    What's Not So Good: As a conclusion to what's come before, I don't have a whole lot of complaints about the fourth chapter of “Magnum Opus.” That's mostly because I had an idea as to what to expect out of it. Some of the visuals look either confusing or far too cluttered and a few attempts at humor are just lame, but that's pretty much been par for the course no matter what creative team was in charge of things. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt May 6, 2009

    I can't speak for fans of Deadpool, but to someone only interested in the Thunderbolts, the crossover as a whole has been an unwanted interruption that has negatively affected the quality of the title. Even though Diggle has given his best shot at giving each of the Thunderbolts characters their turn in the spotlight, "Magnum Opus" always felt like a Deadpool story with the Thunderbolts shoe-horned in, rather than a genuine crossover. The best thing I can say about it is that, well, at least the diversion was a short one and things can get back to normal next issue. Read Full Review

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