Ultimate Fantastic Four #16

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Adam Kubert, John Dell, Nelson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 30, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
8.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

N-ZONE part 4 of 6
N-ZONE PART 4 There is life in the N-Zone, but with the sun dying, the denizens of Annihilus' interdimensional shantytown don't have much time left. Can the Fantastic Four mount a rescue operation? Should they?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Mar 28, 2005

    This brings me to the skills of Adam Kubert. Im really enjoying his work on the book here, which is at least as impressive as his first run on the title. Here, Kubert is given more than just standard sci-fi comic work to do: he has alien worlds to create, complex theoretical science theories to depict visually, and strong emotional moments (like the horrific transformation of the Human Torchs skin) to convey. All of it is handled well, and theres an attention to detail which goes far beyond the range expected of even a high-profile Marvel comic like this one. Swirling smokey atmospheres are painstakingly rendered, facial expressions are subtle but effective, and distinctive textures are given to the surroundings of the characters, both in the organically alien space station and in the clinical, NASA-style space shuttle. Its a triumph for the artist, and a great match to the subject matter and Warren Ellis writing style. And that final page makes me so eager to read the next Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 17, 2005

    Adam Kubert earned his entire paycheque for this issue with the final double-page spread. Ben's expression perfectly captures the sense of urgency that this moment needed to carry readers into the next issue. Ben is not a character that I look to for a wide range of expressions, but his panicked look now stands up as one of the character's defining images, as it acts as a powerful reminder that even the strongest member of the Fantastic Four can be vulnerable to attack. The art also nicely sells Annihilus' new attitude, as while he still projects a sense of menace, he's not the snarling monster that he's been portrayed over in Marvel Universe. As such, the scene where his true nature emerges the moment has a greater impact. My only quibble with the art is that it doesn't quite capture the impact of the reveal moment where we see Johnny has fallen victim to his powers. Read Full Review

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