Ultimate FF #1
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Ultimate FF #1

Writer: Joshua Hale Fialkov Artist: Mario Guevara Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 16, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 9
5.7Critic Rating
5.6User Rating

• The Future Foundation is all that stands between us and COMPLETE AND UTTER DOOM.
•  Sue Storm, Tony Stark, Machine Man and Sam Wilson face the ONCOMING DESTRUCTION.
•  A mysterious new member will join their ranks, whether they like it or not. Hint: They will not.

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Apr 16, 2014

    The art may be a bit rough, but the story for ULTIMATE FF #1 is one tremendous start. As far as the Ultimate universe goes, it's a bold, new direction, featuring a team of characters which a few have never really been in the spotlight. It's off to a great start and shows a lot of promise. It's a new team, a new start, and so far, is the best out of the Ultimates books. Overall, I highly recommend this issue and series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Apr 16, 2014

    First impressions are key in comics and judging from Ultimate FF #1 the geniuses/insane cast that Joshua Hale Fialkov and his art team have assembled has made one doozy of a first impression. Comparisons to Hickman's run and most likely Fraction and Allred's run as well will be made eventually, but that seems to be missing the point in a big way. This isn't about what the other titles have have carried the FF name were or did. This isn't about a legacy or upholding some sort of tradition. This book is about the future and the fun of exploring every possible outcome. This is about barreling forward into the void of the unknown. The past is history and the future is a mystery. One that the Future Foundation intends to solve. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Kevyn Knox Apr 21, 2014

    Written by Joshua Hale Fialkov (Echoes for Top Cow/Image and I, Vampire for DC are among his more impressive works) with art by Mario Guevara and Tom Grummett, and colors by Rachelle Rosenberg, this first issue of Ultimate FF leapfrogs us, with its lack of boring old set-up, smack dab into the middle of the story. This is a style I have always preferred. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Apr 21, 2014

    To me, the hero in this comic is the writing and I can't wait to keep reading. Go out, get this book, add it to your pull-list and, like Fialkov wrote in the back of the book, "Let's blow some sh*t up". Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Apr 18, 2014

    Overall, "Ultimate FF" #1 makes a fun case for itself, but the visual storytelling will have to rise to the dialogue in order for this series to really become a success. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Apr 18, 2014

    Ultimate FF is rough around the edges, but still has a lot going for it. Its an exciting team and it will be fun to see where this goes. With so many great comics on the market, its hard to recommend this title. It has the potential to get there, though. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Apr 19, 2014

    With its hipper-than-thou personality clashes, and nods toward forward-looking science, Ultimate FF #1 feels a lot like one of Warren Ellis' Ultimate books, which means it's probably no coincidence that its big reveal at the end nods back to one of Ellis' more controversial choices. This first issue leaves us up in the air about future direction: Fialkov's intent to shake things up is laudable, but so far I wonder if we're not actually looking at the Ultimate U's version of Avengers AI: a fairly conventional superhero yarn about super-smartasses, with a few good jokes thrown in; either way, stronger art will definitely help. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Apr 18, 2014

    Anyways, other than that, the plot is nothing all that special. It all just seems very shallow, and that's very unfortunate, considering that this is a fresh start for the Ultimate universe. The team dynamic just isn't there, and the art is atrocious. There's also no real threat established right now, so there's no real reason to keep coming back to this series other than to see how the last page's reveal ends up playing out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Apr 17, 2014

    “Ultimate FF” could be something great yet, but a more consistent artistic vision is needed. Actually, the book is just a handful of visual tweaks away from being as wholly appealing a product as something like Remender & Scalera's “Black Science” – with a similar conceptual aesthetic, as well. Unfortunately, that sort of improvement doesn't look to be possible with the split-duty sort of art that we're getting on this title. As a love-letter to the science explorer aspect of Marvel's First Family, the book passes muster. As a complete visual product, it seems to devolve a little bit as the story goes on. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 16, 2014

    There's potential for a hip, groundbreaking FF saga here, but there will definitely be some growing pains along the way. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Nerds Unchained - Nate Tieman Apr 22, 2014

    I'm incredibly disappointed that I couldn't find more to like about this book. I enjoy the characters, I truly wanted to get back into the Ultimate universe stories, but Fialkov has delivered a paint-by-numbers story further weakened by artists who, I'm certain, never even learned to color inside the lines. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Apr 21, 2014

    Overall, this is one of the most disappointing new number #1s from Marvel that I've read. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - liamkelleher333 Apr 21, 2014

    Another new face in this book is an iteration of former Shield agent Phil Coulson, again with the lack of space available to develop the character he simply fulfils the role of central command for the Future Foundation without really displaying much character or giving readers a great deal to invest in. Like everything else in this comic he has potential but there is a lot of work to be done to make this book a must read every month. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Mon Inocentes (ZbvmX) Apr 20, 2014

    What an issue! I love how the new line-up is comprised of geniuses (except maybe for Danny Ketch, who is just average, albeit trapped in a mechanical body made out of Gah-lak-tus swarm parts), only to trumped later in the issue by an even more brilliant mind. The banter in this issue amongst the new FF is entertaining, and the story is just light enough to keep new readers of the ultimate universe intrigued without feeling too much lost. I would like to recommend though anyone who wants to try this title, to read the recently concluded Cataclysm event for maximum enjoyment (i.e. how the team was formed, how Danny Ketch became Machine Man, etc.)

  • 6.5
    JBL Reviews Apr 19, 2014

    This book was OK. Basically it was just the Future Foundation working with S.H.I.E.L.D. to close interdimensional holes. I really dislike that Sue is not only whiney, but seems to only be able to create shields--none if the other things the "regular" Sue has done over the years. I also hated the look of Falcon. The character introduced at the end may end up interesting in the future.

  • 5.5
    Gizmo Apr 18, 2014

    Seems promising in some ways, but not so much in other ways. Not digging the art at all; apologies to Mr. Guevara. This first issue's plot is pretty formulaic, but the team has a fun dynamic and the "new member" of this team that was just formed sounds like fun.

  • 5.0
    Ultimate Goblin Jul 7, 2022

    The art is so-so, the story is too... Pretty average comic book, which isn't great, but also isn't really anything to make you angry. The designs of these new suits are bad and I already know, that the return of the Doom is a bad idea.

  • 7.0
    Destraction Apr 17, 2014

  • 6.0
    Sploska Jan 22, 2016

  • 5.5
    Matsuro Oct 27, 2023

  • 3.0
    Prodigalson16 Sep 20, 2022

  • 3.0
    Lin Jun 7, 2014

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