Ultimate Spider-Man #44

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 7
6.4Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Ultimate Spider-Man meets the Uncanny X-Men! But while Spider-Man gets to galavant around with the media's mutant superstars, the question on everyone's lips is "Where is Peter Parker?"

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Mike Storniolo Aug 13, 2003

    Ultimate Spider-Man is one book that if you haven't read than you need to start. HIGHLY recommended. Go out and buy this issue, it'll be the best move of your life. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 15, 2003

    I'm currently reading Brian Michael Bendis' "Torso" a highly effective bit of crime fiction about the hunt for an extremely vicious serial killer by Eliot Ness (get Kevin Costner to reprise the role from the Untouchables, and you would have one memorable follow-up to that 1980s film). In any event the reason why I brought the fact up is that this issue is on the exact opposite side of the spectrum, as this is a rather lighthearted affair, with the only real dramatic tension coming from the situation back on the home front, as Aunt May gets herself extremely wound up, and ready to unleash her fury upon poor little Peter. Still, this issue is a bit too cute at times, and some of the jokes feel like Brian Michael Bendis is simply reusing ideas he's already offered up before (e.g. the scene where Peter grows upset about the removal of his mask is strikingly similar to his visit with Dr. Strange in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up series). Still, overall the book is an entertaining visit with the X- Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Aug 12, 2003

    Even though this issue was a bit of a let down I still came away eagerly anticipating the next. The standard on this title has been set so high that its almost unfair to hold Bendis and Bagley to it every month, but since theyre the ones that set the bar, I dont feel too bad. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Aug 9, 2003

    Theres really not much in this issue to bring a new reader on board, but its up to snuff for the regulars. Overall, not much happens and the X-Men are poorly done. Spideys crossover into the Ultimate X-Men is much more interesting. Of course, the X-Men havent really shown up there yet, so whos to say what thatll be like. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 11, 2003

    This storyline, especially this issue, destroys any expectations I had for the title, and while I suppose it's not a complete failure, it's certainly homing in on one with the poor execution. It's comes down to a bloated mess of something that's trying to be shrewd and serious at the same time, while not doing either. It would've been better if this "arc" was two issues, not four. Truly a waste of money. Read Full Review

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