• Quicksilver unleashed and out for revenge on Counter Earth!
• Dr. Voodoo draws forth the unseen army!
• The Vision acquires his heart's desire, at the cost of all those he loves.
Rated T
On the whole, this new series has been a welcome return to form after the slump that was AXIS, but some cracks are beginning to show. Read Full Review
"Uncanny Avengers" #4 touches all the bases, but doesn't get too deep on any one of them. Using the classic comic book formula of giving every character some dialogue or an important contribution to the story, Remender and Duggan make this comic feel bigger than it is. Chapter four is not the most memorable installment of "Uncanny Avengers," but it certainly isn't the worst. Remender, Duggan, Acua and letterer Clayton Cowles deliver a solid sliver that gives readers a glimpse of the larger saga and adds a powerful new being to the Marvel Universe in the process. Read Full Review
The most memorable part of the issue actually feels like an anticlimax, and thus the rest of the action feels less important than it should be. It all ends up being a nicely average book, but the art is not as vibrant or fleshed out as we've come to expect, and the villains are not breaking out to be fully realized, either. Read Full Review
For an arc that began with the High Evolutionary committing genocide against his creations in order to make space for a new species, the stakes dont really feel high.Uncanny Avengers is going to have to step up its game if it hopes to stand a chance. Read Full Review