Uncanny X-Men #520

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Greg Land Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 20, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
6.8Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

“NATION X” There's a rogue Predator X stalking mutants beneath New York City and it's down to Wolverine and Fantomex to hunt it down. There's an island in the San Francisco Bay that the mutants call home and it's slowly sinking -- and only King Namor can save the day. And meanwhile, in San Francisco, a supermob is making life hard in Chinatown...somebody call the X-Men! Part 6 (of 8) Rated T …$2.99

  • 8.3
    IGN - Miguel Perez Jan 20, 2010

    Now that Matt Fraction has stopped trying to juggle too many storylines at once, Uncanny X-Men has turned into quite a satisfying read. If he keeps this up there won't be much for fans to complain about, except for Greg Land's artwork that is. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Jan 23, 2010

    An enjoyable story meets atrocious art. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 20, 2010

    On the plus side, though? I liked Matt Fraction's script for "Uncanny X-Men" #520 a great deal. As the cracks in Utopia begin to widen, Fraction has carefully set up a teetering platform for Cyclops to stand on, and it's one that's wobbling faster by the minute. I'm appreciating that I'm not sure where Fraction is going with this story. A power struggle leading them scattered? A triumphant return to glory? Something completely different? Who knows? I'm enjoying seeing everything fall into place, though, and it's turning out to be a lot of fun. I just wish the Dodsons were illustrating every issue. Still, even with art that's becoming problematic, there's enough in the script to make me want to keep reading, so good for that. One out of two ain't bad, right? Read Full Review

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