Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5

Writer: Gregg Hurwitz Artist: Leinil Francis Yu, Jerome Opena Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 10, 2010 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
7.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

“SHOCK AND AWE, PART 5: PAST IS PROLOG” There is one villain who can make Moon Knight look sane: The Scarecrow. This unhinged lunatic has taken to the streets. Now Moon Knight must face the Scarecrow and his minions of madness under a black sky filled with crows in this final obstacle keeping him from his true nemesis: Bushman. Parental Advisory …$2.99

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 10, 2010

    The final portion of the book is all action again. Hurwitz gets a little too silly for his own good in these pages however. In between demonstrating a questionable grip on superhero physics and delivering an entrance that borders on slapstick, Hurwitz manages to work against himself every step of the way. All of this is capped off with a gratuitous and mostly pointless cameo by another Marvel hero. I hate pointless appearances like this, especially when they seem to exist only to provide the comic with an artificial ending point. Hurwitz shows some strong characterization in this issue, but that's frequently offset by a lot of pointless time-wasting. The series needs to hurry up and get to the point before even the gorgeous artwork fails to maintain reader interest. Opena won't be on the book much longer, and then the heavier burden will shift to Hurwitz's shoulders. Read Full Review

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