VENOM VS. DEADPOOL! When the forces of chaos call upon Venom and Deadpool, it becomes an issue of family - and whose deserves to win the ultimate prize. It's symbiote might vs. frankly awesome assassin skills in an epic showdown you won't want to miss!
Rated T+
Dvila's ability to harness the respective chaos and calamity of both Marvel characters makes this a fun read, even if you haven't read the other "Contest of Chaos" issues. Read Full Review
The title says "Venom" and it's part of this dumb Contest of Chaos, but what this actually is is an annual/epilogue for Deadpool's last charming volume.
Frigging comic books, right?
Anyway, I was a big fan of Deadpool (2022), so it's a treat to get one last serving of that tone. This violent romp also benefits from some excellent art and the slow reduction of pointless mysteriousness that comes with the "progression" of the event. (I use "progression" just in the sense of time passing, I don't mean to imply real plot development is going on.)
This is just an extra issue of Alyssa Wong's Deadpool run, and you can't convince me otherwise. I have no idea why it's a Venom annual; it should be a Deadpool annual. It is weaker than their usual output with the character, however.