As Venom War rages, Manhattan finds itself besieged by an infectious new strain of symbiotes - one that drives their living hosts to an all-encompassing hunger for human flesh and can even reanimate the dead! As the horde of zombiotes descends on Hell's Kitchen, the two Daredevils must rise up to stand as the last line of defense - but will they be enough to stem the tide, or will their brains be first on the menu?
Rated T+
Venom War: Daredevil #1 does a great job at keeping you hooked into the story and excited all the way through. It was really interesting to see the Venom War from Matt and Elektra's perspective. I have to say that Venom War: Daredevil #1 shows the Venom War in a much more terrifying light than most of the other comics I've read in the event. I loved how hectic and dark the attack of the zombiotes was because I feel that's much more believable in that situation. Overall, this felt like how the tone should be during the Venom War. Read Full Review
Even if you havent been following the main storyline, Venom War: Daredevil #1 will probably satisfy any Daredevil fans on the strength of its focus on Matt and Elektra doing what they do best fighting with and against one another in a sexually tense way. Also, there are zombie symbiotes. Read Full Review
This was a little wordy, particularly with the narration from both Elektra and Matt, but I still enjoyed this more than almost all of the rest of the tie-ins so far. Medina's art was really nice, and I thought it fit right in with Condon's story. Speaking of Condon, part of the reason I was especially looking forward to reading this was because of him taking over Joshua Williamson's current Green Arrow run over at DC. I've never read anything from Condon before, so I wasn't sure how I felt about the change. After reading this, however, I feel a lot better about it.
Solid tie-in issue with good art and good writing. Interesting standalone issue that tells the story of zombiotes attacking Murdock's church with Elektra helping out. The issue has a "Night of the Living Dead" vibe, which is appropriate.