Logan thought he was keeping everyone safe by coming to this small town. He didn't know he was going to bring death with him. Now Logan stands alone against the last gasp of the symbiote outbreak - and it's his own fault. The writers behind LOCAL MAN bring us a dark quest for redemption! RATED PARENTAL ADVISORY.
Rated T+
Venom War: Wolverine #3 should be a gold standard for a tie-in series, as it proves you can write a stand alone story with deep themes that still connects to the main story. Read Full Review
Not a bad conclusion here, although it did feel a little messy at times. That said, this is very much like the Deadpool tie-in miniseries, in that this isn't really essential, whatsoever, when reading the Venom War event. It's still a solid story, though, with some nice art from Walker throughout.